Source code for windows.alpc

import sys
import ctypes
from collections import namedtuple

import windows
from windows import winproxy
from windows import generated_def as gdef
import windows.pycompat

## For 64b python
# 0x1f: 0x80000000: ALPC_MESSAGE_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE(0x80000000) : size=0x18?
# 0x1e: 0x40000000: ALPC_MESSAGE_VIEW_ATTRIBUTE(0x40000000): size=0x20
# 0x1d: 0x20000000: ALPC_MESSAGE_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE(0x20000000): size=0x20
# 0x1c: 0x10000000: ALPC_MESSAGE_HANDLE_ATTRIBUTE(0x10000000): size=0x18
# 0x1b: 0x8000000: ALPC_MESSAGE_TOKEN_ATTRIBUTE(0x8000000): size=0x18
# 0x1a: 0x4000000: ALPC_MESSAGE_DIRECT_ATTRIBUTE(0x4000000) size=0x8
# 0x19: 0x2000000: ALPC_MESSAGE_WORK_ON_BEHALF_ATTRIBUTE(0x2000000) size=0x8


[docs] class AlpcMessage(object): """Represent a full ALPC Message: a :class:`AlpcMessagePort` and a :class:`MessageAttribute`""" # PORT_MESSAGE + MessageAttribute def __init__(self, msg_or_size=DEFAULT_MESSAGE_SIZE, attributes=None): # Init the PORT_MESSAGE if isinstance(msg_or_size, windows.pycompat.int_types): self.port_message_buffer_size = msg_or_size self.port_message_raw_buffer = ctypes.c_buffer(msg_or_size) self.port_message = AlpcMessagePort.from_buffer(self.port_message_raw_buffer) self.port_message.set_datalen(0) elif isinstance(msg_or_size, AlpcMessagePort): self.port_message = msg_or_size self.port_message_raw_buffer = self.port_message.raw_buffer self.port_message_buffer_size = len(self.port_message_raw_buffer) else: raise NotImplementedError("Uneexpected type for <msg_or_size>: {0}".format(msg_or_size)) # Init the MessageAttributes if attributes is None: # self.attributes = MessageAttribute.with_all_attributes() self.attributes = MessageAttribute.with_all_attributes() ## Testing else: self.attributes = attributes # PORT_MESSAGE wrappers @property def type(self): """The type of the message (``PORT_MESSAGE.u2.s2.Type``)""" return self.port_message.u2.s2.Type def get_port_message_data(self): return def set_port_message_data(self, data): = data data = property(get_port_message_data, set_port_message_data) "The data of the message (located after the PORT_MESSAGE header)" # MessageAttributes wrappers ## Low level attributes access @property def security_attribute(self): """The :data:`~windows.generated_def.ALPC_MESSAGE_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE` of the message :type: :class:`ALPC_SECURITY_ATTR` """ return self.attributes.get_attribute(gdef.ALPC_MESSAGE_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE) @property def view_attribute(self): """The :data:`~windows.generated_def.ALPC_MESSAGE_VIEW_ATTRIBUTE` of the message: :type: :class:`ALPC_DATA_VIEW_ATTR` """ return self.attributes.get_attribute(gdef.ALPC_MESSAGE_VIEW_ATTRIBUTE) @property def context_attribute(self): """The :data:`~windows.generated_def.ALPC_MESSAGE_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE` of the message: :type: :class:`ALPC_CONTEXT_ATTR` """ return self.attributes.get_attribute(gdef.ALPC_MESSAGE_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE) @property def handle_attribute(self): """The :data:`~windows.generated_def.ALPC_MESSAGE_HANDLE_ATTRIBUTE` of the message: :type: :class:`ALPC_HANDLE_ATTR` """ return self.attributes.get_attribute(gdef.ALPC_MESSAGE_HANDLE_ATTRIBUTE) ## Low level validity check (Test) @property def view_is_valid(self): # Change the name ? """True if :data:`~windows.generated_def.ALPC_MESSAGE_VIEW_ATTRIBUTE` is a ValidAttributes""" return self.attributes.is_valid(gdef.ALPC_MESSAGE_VIEW_ATTRIBUTE) @property def security_is_valid(self): # Change the name ? """True if :data:`~windows.generated_def.ALPC_MESSAGE_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE` is a ValidAttributes""" return self.attributes.is_valid(gdef.ALPC_MESSAGE_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE) @property def handle_is_valid(self): # Change the name ? """True if :data:`~windows.generated_def.ALPC_MESSAGE_HANDLE_ATTRIBUTE` is a ValidAttributes""" return self.attributes.is_valid(gdef.ALPC_MESSAGE_HANDLE_ATTRIBUTE) @property def context_is_valid(self): # Change the name ? """True if :data:`~windows.generated_def.ALPC_MESSAGE_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE` is a ValidAttributes""" return self.attributes.is_valid(gdef.ALPC_MESSAGE_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE) @property def valid_attributes(self): """The list of valid attributes :type: [:class:`~windows.generated_def.Flag`] """ return self.attributes.valid_list @property def allocated_attributes(self): """The list of allocated attributes :type: [:class:`~windows.generated_def.Flag`] """ return self.attributes.allocated_list ## High level setup (Test) def setup_view(self, size, section_handle=0, flags=None): raise NotImplementedError(self.setup_view)
[docs] class AlpcMessagePort(gdef.PORT_MESSAGE): """The effective ALPC Message composed of a ``PORT_MESSAGE`` structure followed by the data""" # Constructeur
[docs] @classmethod def from_buffer(self, buffer): # A sort of super(AlpcMessagePort).from_buffer # But from_buffer is from the Metaclass of AlpcMessagePort so we use 'type(AlpcMessagePort)' # To access the standard version of from_buffer. self = type(AlpcMessagePort).from_buffer(AlpcMessagePort, buffer) self.buffer_size = len(buffer) self.raw_buffer = buffer self.header_size = ctypes.sizeof(self) self.max_datasize = self.buffer_size - self.header_size return self
@classmethod def from_buffer_size(cls, buffer_size): buffer = ctypes.c_buffer(buffer_size) return cls.from_buffer(buffer) def read_data(self): return self.raw_buffer[ctypes.sizeof(self):ctypes.sizeof(self) + self.u1.s1.DataLength] def write_data(self, data): if len(data) > self.max_datasize: import pdb; pdb.set_trace() raise ValueError("Cannot write data of len <{0}> (raw_buffer size == <{1}>)".format(len(data), self.buffer_size)) self.raw_buffer[self.header_size: self.header_size + len(data)] = data self.set_datalen(len(data)) data = property(read_data, write_data) "The data of the message (located after the header)" def set_datalen(self, datalen): self.u1.s1.TotalLength = self.header_size + datalen self.u1.s1.DataLength = datalen def get_datalen(self): return self.u1.s1.DataLength datalen = property(get_datalen, set_datalen) """The length of the data"""
[docs] @classmethod def with_attributes(cls, attributes): """Create a new :class:`MessageAttribute` with ``attributes`` allocated :returns: :class:`MessageAttribute` """ size = cls._get_required_buffer_size(attributes) buffer = ctypes.c_buffer(size) self = cls.from_buffer(buffer) self.raw_buffer = buffer res = gdef.DWORD() winproxy.AlpcInitializeMessageAttribute(attributes, self, len(self.raw_buffer), res) return self
@staticmethod def _get_required_buffer_size(flags): res = gdef.DWORD() try: windows.winproxy.AlpcInitializeMessageAttribute(flags, None, 0, res) except windows.generated_def.ntstatus.NtStatusException as e: # Buffer too small: osef return res.value return res.value
[docs] def is_allocated(self, attribute): """Return ``True`` if ``attribute`` is allocated""" return bool(self.AllocatedAttributes & attribute)
[docs] def is_valid(self, attribute): """Return ``True`` if ``attribute`` is valid""" return bool(self.ValidAttributes & attribute)
def get_attribute(self, attribute): if not self.is_allocated(attribute): raise ValueError("Cannot get non-allocated attribute <{0}>".format(attribute)) offset = ctypes.sizeof(self) for sflag, struct in self.ATTRIBUTE_BY_FLAG: if sflag == attribute: # print("Attr {0:#x} was at offet {1:#x}".format(attribute, offset)) return struct.from_address(ctypes.addressof(self) + offset) elif self.is_allocated(sflag): offset += ctypes.sizeof(struct) raise ValueError("ALPC Attribute <{0}> not found :(".format(attribute)) def _extract_alpc_attributes_values(self, value): attrs = [] for mask in (1 << i for i in range(64)): if value & mask: attrs.append(mask) return [KNOWN_ALPC_ATTRIBUTES_MAPPING[x] for x in attrs] @property def valid_list(self): """The list of valid attributes :type: [:class:`~windows.generated_def.Flag`] """ return self._extract_alpc_attributes_values(self.ValidAttributes) @property def allocated_list(self): """The list of allocated attributes :type: [:class:`~windows.generated_def.Flag`] """ return self._extract_alpc_attributes_values(self.AllocatedAttributes)
AlpcSection = namedtuple("AlpcSection", ["handle", "size"]) class AlpcTransportBase(object): def send_receive(self, alpc_message, receive_msg=None, flags=gdef.ALPC_MSGFLG_SYNC_REQUEST, timeout=None): """Send and receive a message with ``flags``. :param alpc_message: The message to send. If ``alpc_message`` is a :class:`str` it build an AlpcMessage with the message as data. :type alpc_message: AlpcMessage or str :param receive_msg: The message to send. If ``receive_msg`` is a ``None`` it create and return a simple :class:`AlpcMessage` :type receive_msg: AlpcMessage or None :param int flags: The flags for :func:`NtAlpcSendWaitReceivePort` """ if isinstance(alpc_message, windows.pycompat.anybuff): raw_alpc_message = alpc_message alpc_message = AlpcMessage(max(0x1000, len(alpc_message) + 0x200)) = raw_alpc_message if receive_msg is None: receive_msg = AlpcMessage(DEFAULT_MESSAGE_SIZE) receive_size = gdef.SIZE_T(receive_msg.port_message_buffer_size) winproxy.NtAlpcSendWaitReceivePort(self.handle, flags, alpc_message.port_message, alpc_message.attributes, receive_msg.port_message, receive_size, receive_msg.attributes, timeout) return receive_msg def send(self, alpc_message, flags=0): """Send the ``alpc_message`` with ``flags`` :param alpc_message: The message to send. If ``alpc_message`` is a :class:`str` it build an AlpcMessage with the message as data. :type alpc_message: AlpcMessage or str :param int flags: The flags for :func:`NtAlpcSendWaitReceivePort` """ if isinstance(alpc_message, windows.pycompat.anybuff): raw_alpc_message = alpc_message alpc_message = AlpcMessage(max(0x1000, len(alpc_message) + 0x200)) = raw_alpc_message winproxy.NtAlpcSendWaitReceivePort(self.handle, flags, alpc_message.port_message, alpc_message.attributes, None, None, None, None) def recv(self, receive_msg=None, flags=0): """Receive a message into ``alpc_message`` with ``flags``. :param receive_msg: The message to send. If ``receive_msg`` is a ``None`` it create and return a simple :class:`AlpcMessage` :type receive_msg: AlpcMessage or None :param int flags: The flags for :func:`NtAlpcSendWaitReceivePort` """ if receive_msg is None: receive_msg = AlpcMessage(DEFAULT_MESSAGE_SIZE) receive_size = gdef.SIZE_T(receive_msg.port_message_buffer_size) winproxy.NtAlpcSendWaitReceivePort(self.handle, flags, None, None, receive_msg.port_message, receive_size, receive_msg.attributes, None) return receive_msg def _close_port(self, port_handle): windows.winproxy.NtAlpcDisconnectPort(port_handle, 0) windows.winproxy.CloseHandle(port_handle)
[docs] class AlpcClient(AlpcTransportBase): "An ALPC client able to connect to a port and send/receive messages" def __init__(self, port_name=None): """Init the :class:`AlpcClient` automatically connect to ``port_name`` using default values if given""" self.handle = None self.port_name = None #: The name of the ALPC port the client is connect to. if port_name is not None: x = self.connect_to_port(port_name, "") def _alpc_port_to_unicode_string(self, name): return gdef.UNICODE_STRING.from_string(name)
[docs] def connect_to_port(self, port_name, connect_message=None, port_attr=None, port_attr_flags=0x10000, obj_attr=None, flags=gdef.ALPC_MSGFLG_SYNC_REQUEST, timeout=None): """Connect to the ALPC port ``port_name``. Most of the parameters have defauls value is ``None`` is passed. :param AlpcMessage connect_message: The message send with the connection request, if not ``None`` the function will return an :class:`AlpcMessage` :param ALPC_PORT_ATTRIBUTES port_attr: The port attributes, one with default value will be used if this parameter is ``None`` :param int port_attr_flags: ``ALPC_PORT_ATTRIBUTES.Flags`` used if ``port_attr`` is ``None`` (MUTUALY EXCLUSINVE WITH ``port_attr``) :param OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES obj_attr: The attributes of the port (can be None) :param int flags: The flags for :func:`NtAlpcConnectPort` :param int timeout: The timeout of the request """ # TODO raise on mutual exclusive parameter if self.handle is not None: raise ValueError("Client already connected") handle = gdef.HANDLE() port_name_unicode = self._alpc_port_to_unicode_string(port_name) if port_attr is None: port_attr = gdef.ALPC_PORT_ATTRIBUTES() port_attr.Flags = port_attr_flags # Flag qui fonctionne pour l'UAC port_attr.MaxMessageLength = DEFAULT_MESSAGE_SIZE port_attr.MemoryBandwidth = 0 port_attr.MaxPoolUsage = 0xffffffff port_attr.MaxSectionSize = 0xffffffff port_attr.MaxViewSize = 0xffffffff port_attr.MaxTotalSectionSize = 0xffffffff port_attr.DupObjectTypes = 0xffffffff port_attr.SecurityQos.Length = ctypes.sizeof(port_attr.SecurityQos) port_attr.SecurityQos.ImpersonationLevel = gdef.SecurityImpersonation port_attr.SecurityQos.ContextTrackingMode = 0 port_attr.SecurityQos.EffectiveOnly = 0 if connect_message is None: send_msg = None send_msg_attr = None buffersize = None elif isinstance(connect_message, windows.pycompat.anybuff): buffersize = gdef.DWORD(len(connect_message) + 0x1000) send_msg = AlpcMessagePort.from_buffer_size(buffersize.value) = connect_message send_msg_attr = MessageAttribute.with_all_attributes() elif isinstance(connect_message, AlpcMessage): send_msg = connect_message.port_message send_msg_attr = connect_message.attributes buffersize = gdef.DWORD(connect_message.port_message_buffer_size) else: raise ValueError("Don't know how to send <{0!r}> as connect message".format(connect_message)) receive_attr = MessageAttribute.with_all_attributes() winproxy.NtAlpcConnectPort(handle, port_name_unicode, obj_attr, port_attr, flags, None, send_msg, buffersize, send_msg_attr, receive_attr, timeout) # If send_msg is not None, it contains the ClientId.UniqueProcess : PID of the server :) self.handle = handle.value self.port_name = port_name return AlpcMessage(send_msg, receive_attr) if send_msg is not None else None
def create_port_section(self, Flags, SectionHandle, SectionSize): AlpcSectionHandle = gdef.HANDLE() ActualSectionSize = gdef.SIZE_T() # RPCRT4 USE FLAGS 0x40000 ALPC_VIEWFLG_NOT_SECURE ? winproxy.NtAlpcCreatePortSection(self.handle, Flags, SectionHandle, SectionSize, AlpcSectionHandle, ActualSectionSize) return AlpcSection(AlpcSectionHandle.value, ActualSectionSize.value) def map_section(self, section_handle, size, flags=0): view_attributes = gdef.ALPC_DATA_VIEW_ATTR() view_attributes.Flags = 0 view_attributes.SectionHandle = section_handle view_attributes.ViewBase = 0 view_attributes.ViewSize = size r = winproxy.NtAlpcCreateSectionView(self.handle, flags, view_attributes) return view_attributes def disconnect(self): if self.handle: self._close_port(self.handle) self.handle = None def __del__(self): if sys.path is not None: self.disconnect()
[docs] class AlpcServer(AlpcTransportBase): """An ALPC server able to create a port, accept connections and send/receive messages""" def __init__(self, port_name=None): self.port_name = None self.communication_port_list = [] self.handle = None if port_name is not None: self.create_port(port_name) def _alpc_port_to_unicode_string(self, name): return gdef.UNICODE_STRING.from_string(name)
[docs] def create_port(self, port_name, msglen=None, port_attr_flags=0, obj_attr=None, port_attr=None): """Create the ALPC port ``port_name``. Most of the parameters have defauls value is ``None`` is passed. :param str port_name: The port's name to create. :param int msglen: ``ALPC_PORT_ATTRIBUTES.MaxMessageLength`` used if ``port_attr`` is ``None`` (MUTUALY EXCLUSINVE WITH ``port_attr``) :param int port_attr_flags: ``ALPC_PORT_ATTRIBUTES.Flags`` used if ``port_attr`` is ``None`` (MUTUALY EXCLUSINVE WITH ``port_attr``) :param OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES obj_attr: The attributes of the port, one with default value will be used if this parameter is ``None`` :param ALPC_PORT_ATTRIBUTES port_attr: The port attributes, one with default value will be used if this parameter is ``None`` """ # TODO raise on mutual exclusive parameter (port_attr + port_attr_flags | obj_attr + msglen) handle = gdef.HANDLE() raw_name = port_name if not raw_name.startswith("\\"): raw_name = "\\" + port_name port_name = self._alpc_port_to_unicode_string(raw_name) if msglen is None: msglen = DEFAULT_MESSAGE_SIZE if obj_attr is None: obj_attr = gdef.OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES() obj_attr.Length = ctypes.sizeof(obj_attr) obj_attr.RootDirectory = None obj_attr.ObjectName = ctypes.pointer(port_name) obj_attr.Attributes = 0 obj_attr.SecurityDescriptor = None obj_attr.SecurityQualityOfService = None if port_attr is None: port_attr = gdef.ALPC_PORT_ATTRIBUTES() port_attr.Flags = port_attr_flags # port_attr.Flags = 0x2080000 # port_attr.Flags = 0x90000 port_attr.MaxMessageLength = msglen port_attr.MemoryBandwidth = 0 port_attr.MaxPoolUsage = 0xffffffff port_attr.MaxSectionSize = 0xffffffff port_attr.MaxViewSize = 0xffffffff port_attr.MaxTotalSectionSize = 0xffffffff port_attr.DupObjectTypes = 0xffffffff # windows.utils.print_ctypes_struct(port_attr, " - PORT_ATTR", hexa=True) winproxy.NtAlpcCreatePort(handle, obj_attr, port_attr) self.port_name = raw_name self.handle = handle.value
[docs] def accept_connection(self, msg, port_attr=None, port_context=None): """Accept the connection for a ``LPC_CONNECTION_REQUEST`` message. ``msg.MessageId`` must be the same as the connection requesting message. :param AlpcMessage msg: The response message. :param ALPC_PORT_ATTRIBUTES port_attr: The attributes of the port, one with default value will be used if this parameter is ``None`` :param PVOID port_context: A value that will be copied in ``ALPC_CONTEXT_ATTR.PortContext`` of every message on this connection. """ rhandle = gdef.HANDLE() if port_attr is None: port_attr = gdef.ALPC_PORT_ATTRIBUTES() port_attr.Flags = 0x80000 # port_attr.Flags = 0x80000 + 0x2000000 # port_attr.Flags = 0x2000000 port_attr.MaxMessageLength = DEFAULT_MESSAGE_SIZE port_attr.MemoryBandwidth = 0 port_attr.MaxPoolUsage = 0xffffffff port_attr.MaxSectionSize = 0xffffffff port_attr.MaxViewSize = 0xffffffff port_attr.MaxTotalSectionSize = 0xffffffff port_attr.DupObjectTypes = 0xffffffff # windows.utils.print_ctypes_struct(port_attr, " - CONN_PORT_ATTR", hexa=True) winproxy.NtAlpcAcceptConnectPort(rhandle, self.handle, 0, None, port_attr, port_context, msg.port_message, None, True) self.communication_port_list.append(rhandle.value) return msg
def disconnect(self): if self.handle: self._close_port(self.handle) self.handle = None for com_port_handle in self.communication_port_list: self._close_port(com_port_handle) del self.communication_port_list[:] # TODO: add an API to close a communication port ? def __del__(self): if sys.path is not None: self.disconnect()