Source code for windows.debug.debugger

import os.path
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
from contextlib import contextmanager

import windows
import windows.generated_def as gdef
import windows.winobject.exception as winexception

import windows.native_exec.simple_x86 as x86
import windows.native_exec.simple_x64 as x64

from windows.winobject.process import WinProcess, WinThread
from windows.dbgprint import dbgprint
from windows import winproxy
from windows.generated_def.winstructs import *
from windows.generated_def import windef
from .breakpoints import *

#from windows.syswow64 import CS_32bits
from windows.winobject.exception import VectoredException

from windows.pycompat import basestring

PAGE_SIZE = 0x1000

class DebuggerError(Exception):

    KNOWN_EVENT_CODE = dict((x,x) for x in [EXCEPTION_DEBUG_EVENT,

    def code(self):
        return self.KNOWN_EVENT_CODE.get(self.dwDebugEventCode, self.dwDebugEventCode)

WatchedPage = namedtuple('WatchedPage', ["original_prot", "bps"])

[docs]class Debugger(object): """A debugger based on standard Win32 API. Handle : * Standard BP (int3) * Hardware-Exec BP (DrX) * Memory BP (virtual_protect) """
[docs] def __init__(self, target): """``target`` must be a debuggable :class:`WinProcess`.""" self._init_dispatch_handlers() = target self.is_target_launched = False self.processes = {} self.threads = {} self.current_process = None self.current_thread = None self.first_bp_encoutered = False # List of breakpoints self.breakpoints = {} self._pending_breakpoints = {} #Breakpoints to put in new process / threads # Values rewritten by "\xcc" self._memory_save = dict() # Dict of {tid : {drx taken : BP}} self._hardware_breakpoint = {} # Breakpoints to reput.. self._breakpoint_to_reput = {} self._module_by_process = {} self._pending_breakpoints_new = defaultdict(list) self._explicit_single_step = {} self._watched_pages = {}# Dict [page_modif] -> [mem bp on the page] # [start] -> (size, current_proctection, original_prot) self._virtual_protected_memory = [] # List of memory-range modified by a MemBP self._current_debug_event = None
[docs] @classmethod def attach(cls, target): """attach to ``target`` (must be a :class:`WinProcess`) :rtype: :class:`Debugger` .. note:: see :ref:`Debugger.attach sample <sample_debugger_attach>`""" winproxy.DebugActiveProcess( return cls(target)
[docs] def detach(self, target=None): """Detach from all debugged processes or process ``target``""" if target is None: targets = self.processes.values() if not targets: # We are not following any process # maybe a attach/detach with Debugger.loop # Just detach from the initial target if tpid = = None # Remove ref to process -> GC -> CloseHandle -> process is destroyed windows.winproxy.DebugActiveProcessStop(tpid) return for proc in list(targets): self.detach(proc) del targets return if not isinstance(target, WinProcess): raise ValueError("Detach accept only WinProcess") self.disable_all_memory_breakpoints(target) for bp in list(self.breakpoints[].values()): if not bp.apply_to_target(target): target_threads = [t for t in target.threads if t.tid in self.threads] bp_threads = [] # TODO: clean API tu request HXBP on a thread for t in target_threads: t_bps = [pos for pos, hbp in self._hardware_breakpoint[t.tid].items() if hbp == bp] if t_bps: bp_threads.append(t) self.del_bp(bp, bp_threads) else: self.del_bp(bp, [target]) for thread in [t for t in target.threads if t.tid in self.threads]: del self._explicit_single_step[thread.tid] del self._breakpoint_to_reput[thread.tid] del self.threads[thread.tid] ctx = thread.context if ctx.EEFlags.TF: # Remove TRAPFlag before detaching (or it will lead to a crash) ctx.EEFlags.TF = 0 thread.set_context(ctx) del self.processes[] del self._watched_pages[] del self._module_by_process[] if target is self.current_process: # Bug if CTRL+C and current_process changed ? self._finish_debug_event(self._current_debug_event, DBG_CONTINUE) self.current_process = None self.current_thread = None if and == = None windows.winproxy.DebugActiveProcessStop(
def _killed_in_action(self): """Return ``True`` if current process have been detached by user callback""" # Fix ? _handle_exit_process remove from processes but need a FinishDebugEvent return self.current_process is None or not in self.processes
[docs] @classmethod def debug(cls, path, args=None, dwCreationFlags=0, show_windows=False): """Create a process and debug it. :rtype: :class:`Debugger`""" dwCreationFlags |= DEBUG_PROCESS c = windows.utils.create_process(path, args=args, dwCreationFlags=dwCreationFlags, show_windows=show_windows) return cls(c)
def _init_dispatch_handlers(self): dbg_evt_dispatch = {} dbg_evt_dispatch[EXCEPTION_DEBUG_EVENT] = self._handle_exception dbg_evt_dispatch[CREATE_THREAD_DEBUG_EVENT] = self._handle_create_thread dbg_evt_dispatch[CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT] = self._handle_create_process dbg_evt_dispatch[EXIT_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT] = self._handle_exit_process dbg_evt_dispatch[EXIT_THREAD_DEBUG_EVENT] = self._handle_exit_thread dbg_evt_dispatch[LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT] = self._handle_load_dll dbg_evt_dispatch[UNLOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT] = self._handle_unload_dll dbg_evt_dispatch[RIP_EVENT] = self._handle_rip dbg_evt_dispatch[OUTPUT_DEBUG_STRING_EVENT] = self._handle_output_debug_string self._DebugEventCode_dispatch = dbg_evt_dispatch def _debug_event_generator(self): while True: debug_event = gdef.DEBUG_EVENT() try: winproxy.WaitForDebugEvent(debug_event) except KeyboardInterrupt as e: # So we will go out of the loop because of a Ctrl+c # BP trigger will not be called. # So AT LEAST quit loop with a coherent context # Fix thread PC if we just triggered a BP if (debug_event.dwDebugEventCode == gdef.EXCEPTION_DEBUG_EVENT and debug_event.u.Exception.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode in [gdef.EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT, gdef.STATUS_WX86_BREAKPOINT]): # This is a breakpoint: One of ours ? bp_addr = debug_event.u.Exception.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionAddress if bp_addr in self.breakpoints[debug_event.dwProcessId]: # Leave the thread in a coherent state for detach # Should it be done in detach ? # And just stock the "Interrupted debug_event" here ? thread = self.threads[debug_event.dwThreadId] ctx = thread.context ctx.pc -= 1 thread.set_context(ctx) raise finally: # If user Ctrl+c -> we could raise just at the return of WaitForDebugEvent self._current_debug_event = debug_event yield debug_event def _finish_debug_event(self, event, action): if action not in [windef.DBG_CONTINUE, windef.DBG_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED]: raise ValueError('Unknow action : <0>'.format(action)) winproxy.ContinueDebugEvent(event.dwProcessId, event.dwThreadId, action) self._current_debug_event = None def _add_exe_to_module_list(self, create_process_event): """Add the intial exe file described by create_process_event to the list of module in the process""" exe_path = self.current_process.get_mapped_filename(create_process_event.lpBaseOfImage) exe_name = os.path.basename(exe_path).lower() if exe_name.endswith(".exe"): exe_name = exe_name[:-len(".exe")] #print("Exe name is {0}".format(exe_name)) self._module_by_process[][exe_name] = windows.pe_parse.GetPEFile(create_process_event.lpBaseOfImage, self.current_process) #self._setup_pending_breakpoints_load_dll(exe_name) # Already setup in _setup_pending_breakpoints_new_process def _update_debugger_state(self, debug_event): self.current_process = self.processes[debug_event.dwProcessId] self.current_thread = self.threads[debug_event.dwThreadId] def _dispatch_debug_event(self, debug_event): handler = self._DebugEventCode_dispatch.get(debug_event.dwDebugEventCode, self._handle_unknown_debug_event) return handler(debug_event) def _dispatch_breakpoint(self, exception, addr): bp = self.breakpoints[][addr] with self.DisabledMemoryBreakpoint(): x = bp.trigger(self, exception) return x def _resolve(self, addr, target): dbgprint("Resolving <{0}> in <{1}>".format(addr, target), "DBG") if not isinstance(addr, basestring): return addr dll, api = addr.split("!") dll = dll.lower() modules = self._module_by_process[] mod = None if dll in modules: mod = [modules[dll]] if not mod: return None # TODO: optim exports are the same for whole system (32 vs 64 bits) # I don't have to reparse the exports each time.. # Try to interpret api as an int try: api_int = int(api, 0) return mod[0].baseaddr + api_int except ValueError: pass exports = mod[0].exports if api not in exports: dbgprint("Error resolving <{0}> in <{1}>".format(addr, target), "DBG") raise ValueError("Unknown API <{0}> in DLL {1}".format(api, dll)) target_addr = exports[api] if isinstance(target_addr, basestring): target_string = target_addr.replace(".", "!") dbgprint("<{0}> is export proxy to <{1}>".format(addr, target_string), "DBG") # Possible infinite loop ? return self._resolve(target_string, target) return target_addr def add_pending_breakpoint(self, bp, target): self._pending_breakpoints_new[target].append(bp) def remove_pending_breakpoint(self, bp, target): self._pending_breakpoints_new[target].remove(bp) def _setup_breakpoint(self, bp, target): _setup_method = getattr(self, "_setup_breakpoint_" + bp.type) if target is None: if bp.type in [STANDARD_BP, MEMORY_BREAKPOINT]: #TODO: better.. targets = self.processes.values() else: targets = self.threads.values() else: targets = [target] for target in targets: return _setup_method(bp, target) def _restore_breakpoints(self): for bp in self._breakpoint_to_reput[self.current_thread.tid]: if bp.type == HARDWARE_EXEC_BP: raise NotImplementedError("Why is this here ? we use RF flags to pass HXBP") restore = getattr(self, "_restore_breakpoint_" + bp.type) restore(bp, self.current_process) del self._breakpoint_to_reput[self.current_thread.tid][:] return def _setup_breakpoint_BP(self, bp, target): if not isinstance(target, WinProcess): raise ValueError("Cannot setup STANDARD_BP on {0}".format(target)) addr = self._resolve(bp.addr, target) # raise DebuggerError("Could not set breakpoint {0} at <{1}>".format(bp, bp.addr)) if addr is None: return False dbgprint("Setting soft-BP at <{0:#x}> in <{1}>".format(addr, target), "DBG") bp._addr = addr self._memory_save[][addr] = target.read_memory(addr, 1) self.breakpoints[][addr] = bp target.write_memory(addr, "\xcc") return True def _restore_breakpoint_BP(self, bp, target): self._memory_save[][bp._addr] = target.read_memory(bp._addr, 1) return target.write_memory(bp._addr, "\xcc") def _remove_breakpoint_BP(self, bp, target): if not isinstance(target, WinProcess): raise ValueError("SETUP STANDARD_BP on {0}".format(target)) addr = self._resolve(bp.addr, target) target.write_memory(addr, self._memory_save[][addr]) del self._memory_save[][addr] del self.breakpoints[][addr] return True def _setup_breakpoint_HXBP(self, bp, target): #print("Setup {0} into {1}".format(bp, target)) if not isinstance(target, WinThread): raise ValueError("SETUP HXBP_BP on {0}".format(target)) # Todo: opti, not reparse exports for all thread of the same process.. addr = self._resolve(bp.addr, target.owner) if addr is None: return False x = self._hardware_breakpoint[target.tid] if all(pos in x for pos in range(4)): raise ValueError("Cannot put {0} in {1} (DRx full)".format(bp, target)) empty_drx = str([pos for pos in range(4) if pos not in x][0]) ctx = target.context # Windows DebugCtl aliasing in DR7 # See ctx.EDr7.LE = 0 # bit 8 of DR7 represents bit 0 of DebugCtl. This is the LBR bit. (last branch record, will explain) ctx.EDr7.GE = 0 # bit 9 of DR7 represents bit 1 of DebugCtl. This is the BTF bit. (single-step on branches) setattr(ctx.EDr7, "L" + empty_drx, 1) setattr(ctx, "Dr" + empty_drx, addr) x[int(empty_drx)] = bp target.set_context(ctx) self.breakpoints[][addr] = bp dbgprint("Setting HXBP at <{0:#x}> in <{1}> (Dr{2})".format(addr, target, empty_drx), "DBG") return True def _remove_breakpoint_HXBP(self, bp, target): if not isinstance(target, WinThread): raise ValueError("SETUP HXBP_BP on {0}".format(target)) addr = self._resolve(bp.addr, target.owner) bp_pos = [pos for pos, hbp in self._hardware_breakpoint[target.tid].items() if hbp == bp] if not bp_pos: raise ValueError("Asked to remove {0} from {1} but not present in hbp_list".format(bp, target)) bp_pos_str = str(bp_pos[0]) ctx = target.context setattr(ctx.EDr7, "L" + bp_pos_str, 0) setattr(ctx, "Dr" + bp_pos_str, 0) target.set_context(ctx) try: # TODO: vraiment faire les HXBP par thread ? ... del self.breakpoints[][addr] except: pass return True ## MemBP internal helpers def _compute_page_access_for_event(self, target, events): if "R" in events: return PAGE_NOACCESS if set("WX").issubset(events): return PAGE_READONLY if events == set("W"): return PAGE_EXECUTE_READ if events == set("X"): # Might have problem if DEP is not enabled if target.bitness == 64: has_DEP = True elif windows.winproxy.is_implemented(windows.winproxy.GetProcessDEPPolicy): has_DEP = DWORD() permaned = LONG() windows.winproxy.GetProcessDEPPolicy(target.handle, has_DEP, permaned) has_DEP = has_DEP.value else: has_DEP = False return PAGE_READWRITE if has_DEP else PAGE_NOACCESS raise ValueError("Unexpected set of event for Membp: {0}".format(events)) def _setup_breakpoint_MEMBP(self, bp, target): addr = self._resolve(bp.addr, target) bp._addr = addr self._events = set( if addr is None: return False # Split in affected pages: protection_for_bp = self._compute_page_access_for_event(target, self._events) affected_pages = range((addr >> 12) << 12, addr + bp.size, PAGE_SIZE) old_prot = DWORD() cp_watch_page = self._watched_pages[] for page_addr in affected_pages: if page_addr not in cp_watch_page: target.virtual_protect(page_addr, PAGE_SIZE, protection_for_bp, old_prot) # Page with no other MemBP cp_watch_page[page_addr] = WatchedPage(old_prot.value, [bp]) else: # Reduce the right of the page to the common need cp_watch_page[page_addr].bps.append(bp) full_page_events = set.union(*[ for bp in cp_watch_page[page_addr].bps]) protection_for_page = self._compute_page_access_for_event(target, full_page_events) target.virtual_protect(page_addr, PAGE_SIZE, protection_for_page, None) # TODO: watch for overlap with other MEM breakpoints return True def _restore_breakpoint_MEMBP(self, bp, target): (page_addr, page_prot) = bp._reput_page return target.virtual_protect(page_addr, PAGE_SIZE, page_prot, None) def _remove_breakpoint_MEMBP(self, bp, target): affected_pages = range((bp._addr >> 12) << 12, bp._addr + bp.size, PAGE_SIZE) vprot_begin = affected_pages[0] vprot_size = PAGE_SIZE * len(affected_pages) cp_watch_page = self._watched_pages[] for page_addr in affected_pages: cp_watch_page[page_addr].bps.remove(bp) if not cp_watch_page[page_addr].bps: try: target.virtual_protect(page_addr, PAGE_SIZE, cp_watch_page[page_addr].original_prot, None) except WindowsError as e: # TODO # What should we do if the virtual protect fail on a Non-Free page ? # It may be because the page was dealloc + map as a view.. # For now: keep the page as-is if not target.query_memory(page_addr).State == MEM_FREE: pass # If page is MEM_FREE ignore the error del cp_watch_page[page_addr] else: full_page_events = set.union(*[ for bp in cp_watch_page[page_addr].bps]) protection_for_page = self._compute_page_access_for_event(target, full_page_events) try: target.virtual_protect(page_addr, PAGE_SIZE, protection_for_page, None) except Exception as e: # if not target.query_memory(page_addr).State == MEM_FREE: # raise for bp in cp_watch_page[page_addr].bps: bp.on_error(self, page_addr) # TODO: handle case were it is mem-free ? return True def _setup_pending_breakpoints_new_process(self, new_process): for bp in self._pending_breakpoints_new[None]: if bp.apply_to_target(new_process): #BP for thread or process ? _setup_method = getattr(self, "_setup_breakpoint_" + bp.type) _setup_method(bp, new_process) for bp in list(self._pending_breakpoints_new[]): if bp.apply_to_target(new_process): _setup_method = getattr(self, "_setup_breakpoint_" + bp.type) if _setup_method(bp, new_process): self._pending_breakpoints_new[].remove(bp) def _setup_pending_breakpoints_new_thread(self, new_thread): for bp in self._pending_breakpoints_new[None]: if bp.apply_to_target(new_thread): #BP for thread or process ? _setup_method = getattr(self, "_setup_breakpoint_" + bp.type) _setup_method(bp, new_thread) for bp in self._pending_breakpoints_new[]: if bp.apply_to_target(new_thread): _setup_method = getattr(self, "_setup_breakpoint_" + bp.type) _setup_method(bp, new_thread) for bp in list(self._pending_breakpoints_new[new_thread.tid]): _setup_method = getattr(self, "_setup_breakpoint_" + bp.type) if _setup_method(bp, new_thread): self._pending_breakpoints_new[new_thread.tid].remove(bp) def _setup_pending_breakpoints_load_dll(self, dll_name): for bp in self._pending_breakpoints_new[None]: if isinstance(bp.addr, basestring): target_dll = bp.addr.lower().split("!")[0] # Cannot work AS-IS yet. Implement it ? # if target_dll == "*" or target_dll == dll_name: if target_dll == dll_name: _setup_method = getattr(self, "_setup_breakpoint_" + bp.type) if bp.apply_to_target(self.current_process): _setup_method(bp, self.current_process) else: for t in [t for t in self.current_process.threads if t.tid in self.threads]: _setup_method(bp, t) for bp in self._pending_breakpoints_new[]: if isinstance(bp.addr, basestring): target_dll = bp.addr.split("!")[0] if target_dll == dll_name: _setup_method = getattr(self, "_setup_breakpoint_" + bp.type) _setup_method(bp, self.current_process) for thread in self.current_process.threads: for bp in self._pending_breakpoints_new[thread.tid]: if isinstance(bp.addr, basestring): target_dll = bp.addr.split("!")[0] if target_dll == dll_name: _setup_method = getattr(self, "_setup_breakpoint_" + bp.type) _setup_method(bp, self.thread) def _pass_breakpoint(self, addr): process = self.current_process thread = self.current_thread process.write_memory(addr, self._memory_save[][addr]) regs = thread.context regs.EFlags |= (1 << 8) #regs.pc -= 1 # Done in _handle_exception_breakpoint before dispatch thread.set_context(regs) bp = self.breakpoints[][addr] self._breakpoint_to_reput[thread.tid].append(bp) #Register pending breakpoint for next single step def _pass_memory_breakpoint(self, bp, page_protect, fault_page): cp = self.current_process page_prot = DWORD() cp.virtual_protect(fault_page, PAGE_SIZE, page_protect, page_prot) thread = self.current_thread ctx = thread.context ctx.EEFlags.TF = 1 thread.set_context(ctx) bp._reput_page = (fault_page, page_prot.value) self._breakpoint_to_reput[thread.tid].append(bp) # debug event handlers def _handle_unknown_debug_event(self, debug_event): raise NotImplementedError("dwDebugEventCode = {0}".format(debug_event.dwDebugEventCode)) def _handle_exception_breakpoint(self, exception, excp_addr): excp_bitness = self.get_exception_bitness(exception) YOLO = False if self.current_thread.context.EEFlags.TF: dbgprint("Single step as begin of _handle_exception_breakpoint", "DBG") # import pdb;pdb.set_trace() YOLO = True # Sub-method _do_setup() ? dbg_has_setup = None if not self.first_bp_encoutered: dbg_has_setup = not getattr(self.on_setup, "_abstract_on_setup_", False) self.first_bp_encoutered = True if dbg_has_setup: with self.DisabledMemoryBreakpoint(): continue_flag = self.on_setup() # Handle single-step here ? # Check killed in action ? # What if setup + BP object() ? if excp_addr in self.breakpoints[]: thread = self.current_thread if self.current_process.bitness == 32 and excp_bitness == 64: ctx = thread.context_syswow else: ctx = thread.context ctx.pc -= 1 if self.current_process.bitness == 32 and excp_bitness == 64: thread.set_syswow_context(ctx) else: thread.set_context(ctx) del thread continue_flag = self._dispatch_breakpoint(exception, excp_addr) if self._killed_in_action(): return continue_flag self._explicit_single_step[self.current_thread.tid] = self.current_thread.context.EEFlags.TF and not YOLO if self._explicit_single_step[self.current_thread.tid]: dbgprint("Someone ask for an explicit Single step", "DBG") if excp_addr in self.breakpoints[]: # Setup BP if not suppressed self._pass_breakpoint(excp_addr) return continue_flag if dbg_has_setup: # setup() was called on this BP-event: no on_exception() return continue_flag with self.DisabledMemoryBreakpoint(): return self.on_exception(exception) def _handle_exception_singlestep(self, exception, excp_addr): if self.current_thread.tid in self._breakpoint_to_reput and self._breakpoint_to_reput[self.current_thread.tid]: self._restore_breakpoints() if self._explicit_single_step[self.current_thread.tid]: with self.DisabledMemoryBreakpoint(): self.on_single_step(exception) if not self._killed_in_action(): self._explicit_single_step[self.current_thread.tid] = self.current_thread.context.EEFlags.TF if self._explicit_single_step[self.current_thread.tid]: dbgprint("Someone ask for an explicit Single step - 7", "DBG") return DBG_CONTINUE elif excp_addr in self.breakpoints[]: # Verif that's not a standard BP ? bp = self.breakpoints[][excp_addr] with self.DisabledMemoryBreakpoint(): bp.trigger(self, exception) if self._killed_in_action(): return DBG_CONTINUE ctx = self.current_thread.context self._explicit_single_step[self.current_thread.tid] = ctx.EEFlags.TF if self._explicit_single_step[self.current_thread.tid]: dbgprint("Someone ask for an explicit Single step - 2", "DBG") if excp_addr in self.breakpoints[]: ctx.EEFlags.RF = 1 self.current_thread.set_context(ctx) return DBG_CONTINUE elif self._explicit_single_step[self.current_thread.tid]: with self.DisabledMemoryBreakpoint(): continue_flag = self.on_single_step(exception) if self._killed_in_action(): return continue_flag # Does not handle case where EEFlags.TF was by the debugge before trigering the exception # Should set the flag explicitly in single_step ? and not just use EEFlags.TF ? self._explicit_single_step[self.current_thread.tid] = self.current_thread.context.EEFlags.TF if self._explicit_single_step[self.current_thread.tid]: dbgprint("Someone ask for an explicit Single step - 3", "DBG") return continue_flag else: with self.DisabledMemoryBreakpoint(): continue_flag = self.on_exception(exception) if self._killed_in_action(): return continue_flag # Does not handle case where EEFlags.TF was by the debugge before trigering the exception # Should set the flag explicitly in single_step ? and not just use EEFlags.TF ? self._explicit_single_step[self.current_thread.tid] = self.current_thread.context.EEFlags.TF if self._explicit_single_step[self.current_thread.tid]: dbgprint("Someone ask for an explicit Single step - 4", "DBG") return continue_flag # === Testing PAGE_NOACCESS(0x1L) === # exception: access violation reading 0x00470000 # exception: access violation writing 0x00470000 # === Testing PAGE_READONLY(0x2L) === # exception: access violation writing 0x00470000 # === Testing PAGE_READWRITE(0x4L) === # === Testing PAGE_EXECUTE(0x10L) === # exception: access violation writing 0x00470000 # === Testing PAGE_EXECUTE_READ(0x20L) === # exception: access violation writing 0x00470000 # === Testing PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE(0x40L) === def _handle_exception_access_violation(self, exception, excp_addr): READ = 0 WRITE = 1 EXEC = 2 EVENT_STR = "RWX" fault_type = exception.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionInformation[0] fault_addr = exception.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionInformation[1] pc_addr = self.current_thread.context.pc if fault_addr == pc_addr: fault_type = EXEC event = EVENT_STR[fault_type] fault_page = (fault_addr >> 12) << 12 cp_watch_page = self._watched_pages[] mem_bp = self.get_memory_breakpoint_at(fault_addr, self.current_process) if mem_bp is False: # No BP on this page with self.DisabledMemoryBreakpoint(): return self.on_exception(exception) original_prot = cp_watch_page[fault_page].original_prot if mem_bp is None or event not in # Page has MEMBP but None handle this address | event not asked by membp # This hack is bad, find a BP on the page to restore original access.. bp = cp_watch_page[fault_page].bps[-1] self._pass_memory_breakpoint(bp, original_prot, fault_page) return DBG_CONTINUE with self.DisabledMemoryBreakpoint(): continue_flag = mem_bp.trigger(self, exception) if self._killed_in_action(): return continue_flag self._explicit_single_step[self.current_thread.tid] = self.current_thread.context.EEFlags.TF if self._explicit_single_step[self.current_thread.tid]: dbgprint("Someone ask for an explicit Single step - 5", "DBG") # If BP has not been removed in trigger, pas it if fault_page in cp_watch_page and mem_bp in cp_watch_page[fault_page].bps: self._pass_memory_breakpoint(mem_bp, original_prot, fault_page) return continue_flag # TODO: self._explicit_single_step setup by single_step() ? check at the end ? finally ? def _handle_exception(self, debug_event): """Handle EXCEPTION_DEBUG_EVENT""" exception = debug_event.u.Exception self._update_debugger_state(debug_event) if windows.current_process.bitness == 32: exception.__class__ = winexception.EEXCEPTION_DEBUG_INFO32 else: exception.__class__ = winexception.EEXCEPTION_DEBUG_INFO64 excp_code = exception.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode excp_addr = exception.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionAddress if excp_code in [EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT, STATUS_WX86_BREAKPOINT]: dbgprint("Handle exception as breakpoint", "DBG") return self._handle_exception_breakpoint(exception, excp_addr) elif excp_code in [EXCEPTION_SINGLE_STEP, STATUS_WX86_SINGLE_STEP]: dbgprint("Handle exception as single step", "DBG") return self._handle_exception_singlestep(exception, excp_addr) elif excp_code == EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION: dbgprint("Handle exception as access_violation", "DBG") return self._handle_exception_access_violation(exception, excp_addr) else: with self.DisabledMemoryBreakpoint(): dbgprint("Handle exception as on_exception", "DBG") continue_flag = self.on_exception(exception) if self._killed_in_action(): return continue_flag self._explicit_single_step[self.current_thread.tid] = self.current_thread.context.EEFlags.TF if self._explicit_single_step[self.current_thread.tid]: dbgprint("Someone ask for an explicit Single step - 6", "DBG") return continue_flag def _get_loaded_dll(self, load_dll): name_sufix = "" pe = windows.pe_parse.GetPEFile(load_dll.lpBaseOfDll, self.current_process) if self.current_process.bitness == 32 and pe.bitness == 64: name_sufix = "64" addr = None if load_dll.lpImageName: try: addr = self.current_process.read_ptr(load_dll.lpImageName) except: pass if not addr: pe = windows.pe_parse.GetPEFile(load_dll.lpBaseOfDll, self.current_process) dll_name = pe.export_name if not dll_name: dll_name = os.path.basename(self.current_process.get_mapped_filename(load_dll.lpBaseOfDll)) return dll_name + name_sufix if load_dll.fUnicode: return self.current_process.read_wstring(addr) + name_sufix return self.current_process.read_string(addr) + name_sufix def _handle_create_process(self, debug_event): """Handle CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT""" create_process = debug_event.u.CreateProcessInfo # Duplicate handle, so garbage collection of the process/thread does not # break the debug API invariant (those x_event handle are close by the debug API itself) proc_handle = HANDLE() thread_handle = HANDLE() cp_handle = windows.current_process.handle winproxy.DuplicateHandle(cp_handle, create_process.hProcess, cp_handle, ctypes.byref(proc_handle), dwOptions=DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS) winproxy.DuplicateHandle(cp_handle, create_process.hThread, cp_handle, ctypes.byref(thread_handle), dwOptions=DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS) dbgprint(" Got PROC handle {0:#x}".format(create_process.hProcess, self), "HANDLE") dbgprint(" PROC handle duplicated: {0:#x}".format(proc_handle.value), "HANDLE") dbgprint(" Got THREAD handle {0:#x}".format(create_process.hThread, self), "HANDLE") dbgprint(" THREAD handle duplicated: {0:#x}".format(thread_handle.value), "HANDLE") self.current_process = WinProcess._from_handle(proc_handle.value) self.current_thread = WinThread._from_handle(thread_handle.value) dbgprint("New process: {0}".format(self.current_process), "DBG") self.threads[self.current_thread.tid] = self.current_thread self._explicit_single_step[self.current_thread.tid] = False self._hardware_breakpoint[self.current_thread.tid] = {} self._breakpoint_to_reput[self.current_thread.tid] = [] self.processes[] = self.current_process self._watched_pages[] = {} #defaultdict(list) self.breakpoints[] = {} self._memory_save[] = {} self._module_by_process[] = {} self._internal_on_create_process(create_process) # Allow hook for symbol-debugger self._update_debugger_state(debug_event) self._add_exe_to_module_list(create_process) self._setup_pending_breakpoints_new_process(self.current_process) self._setup_pending_breakpoints_new_thread(self.current_thread) with self.DisabledMemoryBreakpoint(): try: return self.on_create_process(create_process) finally: if create_process.hFile: winproxy.CloseHandle(create_process.hFile) def _handle_exit_process(self, debug_event): """Handle EXIT_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT""" self._update_debugger_state(debug_event) exit_process = debug_event.u.ExitProcess retvalue = self.on_exit_process(exit_process) del self.threads[self.current_thread.tid] del self._explicit_single_step[self.current_thread.tid] del self._hardware_breakpoint[self.current_thread.tid] del self._breakpoint_to_reput[self.current_thread.tid] del self.processes[] del self._watched_pages[] del self._memory_save[] del self._module_by_process[] cpid = self.current_thread = None self.current_process = None if and cpid == = None return retvalue def _handle_create_thread(self, debug_event): """Handle CREATE_THREAD_DEBUG_EVENT""" create_thread = debug_event.u.CreateThread # Duplicate handle, so garbage collection of the thread does not # break the debug API invariant (those x_event handle are close by the debug API itself) thread_handle = HANDLE() cp_handle = windows.current_process.handle winproxy.DuplicateHandle(cp_handle, create_thread.hThread, cp_handle, ctypes.byref(thread_handle), dwOptions=DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS) new_thread = WinThread._from_handle(thread_handle.value) self.threads[new_thread.tid] = new_thread # The new thread is on the thread pool: we can now update the debugger state self._update_debugger_state(debug_event) self._explicit_single_step[self.current_thread.tid] = False self._breakpoint_to_reput[self.current_thread.tid] = [] self._hardware_breakpoint[self.current_thread.tid] = {} self._setup_pending_breakpoints_new_thread(self.current_thread) with self.DisabledMemoryBreakpoint(): return self.on_create_thread(create_thread) def _handle_exit_thread(self, debug_event): """Handle EXIT_THREAD_DEBUG_EVENT""" self._update_debugger_state(debug_event) exit_thread = debug_event.u.ExitThread with self.DisabledMemoryBreakpoint(): retvalue = self.on_exit_thread(exit_thread) del self.threads[self.current_thread.tid] del self._hardware_breakpoint[self.current_thread.tid] del self._explicit_single_step[self.current_thread.tid] del self._breakpoint_to_reput[self.current_thread.tid] return retvalue def _internal_on_create_process(self, create_process): return None def _internal_on_load_dll(self, load_dll): return None def _handle_load_dll(self, debug_event): """Handle LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT""" self._update_debugger_state(debug_event) load_dll = debug_event.u.LoadDll dll = self._get_loaded_dll(load_dll) dll_name = os.path.basename(dll).lower() if dll_name.endswith(".dll"): dll_name = dll_name[:-4] # Mais c'est debile.. # Si j'ai ntdll et ntdll64: les deux vont avoir le meme nom.. if dll_name.endswith(".dll64"): dll_name = dll_name[:-6] + "64" # Crade.. #print("Load {0} -> {1}".format(dll, dll_name)) self._module_by_process[][dll_name] = windows.pe_parse.GetPEFile(load_dll.lpBaseOfDll, self.current_process) self._internal_on_load_dll(load_dll) # Allow hook for symbol-debugger self._setup_pending_breakpoints_load_dll(dll_name) with self.DisabledMemoryBreakpoint(): try: return self.on_load_dll(load_dll) finally: if load_dll.hFile: winproxy.CloseHandle(load_dll.hFile) def _handle_unload_dll(self, debug_event): """Handle UNLOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT""" self._update_debugger_state(debug_event) unload_dll = debug_event.u.UnloadDll with self.DisabledMemoryBreakpoint(): return self.on_unload_dll(unload_dll) def _handle_output_debug_string(self, debug_event): """Handle OUTPUT_DEBUG_STRING_EVENT""" self._update_debugger_state(debug_event) debug_string = debug_event.u.DebugString with self.DisabledMemoryBreakpoint(): return self.on_output_debug_string(debug_string) def _handle_rip(self, debug_event): """Handle RIP_EVENT""" self._update_debugger_state(debug_event) rip_info = debug_event.u.RipInfo with self.DisabledMemoryBreakpoint(): return self.on_rip(rip_info) ## Public API
[docs] def loop(self): """Debugging loop: handle event / dispatch to breakpoint. Returns when all targets are dead/detached""" for debug_event in self._debug_event_generator(): dbg_continue_flag = self._dispatch_debug_event(debug_event) if dbg_continue_flag is None: dbg_continue_flag = DBG_CONTINUE if debug_event.dwDebugEventCode == EXIT_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT or not self._killed_in_action(): #if not self._killed_in_action(): # should we always _finish_debug_event even if process was killed ? # rhaaa _killed_in_action is a REALLY bad name, it's not killed, it's detached # TODO: FIXME self._finish_debug_event(debug_event, dbg_continue_flag) if not self.processes: break
[docs] def add_bp(self, bp, addr=None, type=None, target=None): """Add a breakpoint, bp can be: * a :class:`Breakpoint` (addr and type must be ``None``) * any callable (addr and type must NOT be ``None``) (NON-TESTED) If the ``bp`` type is ``STANDARD_BP`` or ``MEMORY_BREAKPOINT``, target can be ``None`` (all targets) or a process. If the ``bp`` type is ``HARDWARE_EXEC_BP``, target can be ``None`` (all targets), a process or a thread. """ if getattr(bp, "addr", None) is None: if addr is None or type is None: raise ValueError("SUCK YOUR NONE") bp = ProxyBreakpoint(bp, addr, type) else: if addr is not None or type is not None: raise ValueError("Given <addr|type> by parameters but BP object have them") del addr del type if target is None: # Need to add it to all other breakpoint self.add_pending_breakpoint(bp, None) elif target is not None: # Check that targets are accepted if target not in list(self.processes.values()) + list(self.threads.values()): # if target == # Original target (that have not been lauched yet) return self.add_pending_breakpoint(bp, target) # else: # raise ValueError("Unknown target {0}".format(target)) return self._setup_breakpoint(bp, target)
[docs] def del_bp(self, bp, targets=None): """Delete a breakpoint, if targets is ``None``: delete it from all targets""" original_target = targets _remove_method = getattr(self, "_remove_breakpoint_" + bp.type) if targets is None: if bp.type in [STANDARD_BP, MEMORY_BREAKPOINT]: #TODO: better.. targets = self.processes.values() else: targets = self.threads.values() for target in targets: _remove_method(bp, target) if original_target is None: return self.remove_pending_breakpoint(bp, original_target)
[docs] def single_step(self): """Make the ``current_thread`` ``single_step``. ``Debugger.on_single_step`` will be called after that""" t = self.current_thread ctx = t.context ctx.EEFlags.TF = 1 t.set_context(ctx)
## Memory Breakpoint helper
[docs] def get_memory_breakpoint_at(self, addr, process=None): """Get the memory breakpoint that handle ``addr`` Return values are: * ``False`` if the page has no memory breakpoint (real fault) * ``None`` if the page as memBP but None handle ``addr`` * ``bp`` the MemBP that handle ``addr`` """ if process is None: process = self.current_process fault_page = (addr >> 12) << 12 if fault_page not in self._watched_pages[]: return False for bp in self._watched_pages[][fault_page].bps: if bp._addr <= addr < bp._addr + bp.size: return bp return None
[docs] def disable_all_memory_breakpoints(self, target=None): """Restore all pages to their original access rights. If target is ``None``, use ``current_process`` :return: a mapping of all disabled breakpoints that must be passed to :func:`restore_all_memory_breakpoints`""" if target is None: target = self.current_process res = {} cp_watch_page = self._watched_pages[] page_protection = DWORD() for page_addr, watched_page in cp_watch_page.items(): try: target.virtual_protect(page_addr, PAGE_SIZE, watched_page.original_prot, page_protection) except WindowsError as e: # Check if page have been unmapped # print("disable_all_memory_breakpoints failed on page {0:#x} in state {1:#x}".format(page_addr, target.query_memory(page_addr).State)) # if not target.query_memory(page_addr).State == MEM_FREE: # import pdb;pdb.set_trace() # raise # If page have been unmap, warn the concerned Breakpoints. for bp in watched_page.bps: # TODO: Document bp.on_error(self, page_addr) res[page_addr] = page_protection.value return res
[docs] def restore_all_memory_breakpoints(self, data, target=None): """Re-setup all memory breakpoints, affecting pages access rights. If target is ``None``, use ``current_process`` ``data`` is the result of the corresponding call to :func:`disable_all_memory_breakpoints`""" if target is None: target = self.current_process for page_addr, protection in data.items(): # Prevent restoring deleted breakpoints if page_addr in self._watched_pages[]: target.virtual_protect(page_addr, PAGE_SIZE, protection, None) return
[docs] @contextmanager def DisabledMemoryBreakpoint(self, target=None): """A context-manager that disable all memory breakpoints and restore them on exit""" data = self.disable_all_memory_breakpoints(target) try: yield finally: if not self._killed_in_action(): self.restore_all_memory_breakpoints(data, target)
[docs] def get_exception_bitness(self, exc): """Return the bitness in which the exception occured. Useful when debugingg a 32b process from a 64bits one :return: :class:`int` -- 32 or 64""" if windows.current_process.bitness == 32: return 32 if exc.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode in [STATUS_WX86_BREAKPOINT, STATUS_WX86_SINGLE_STEP]: return 32 return 64
[docs] @staticmethod def kill_on_exit(choice): """If set to True(default in Windows) will kill all attached process on thread exit. Otherwise, the thread detaches from all processes being debugged on exit. See: """ return windows.winproxy.DebugSetProcessKillOnExit(choice)
# Public callback
[docs] def on_setup(self): """Called on the first breakpoint event occuring in the debugger. This callback allow to setup hook / interact with the debugee when ready: - If :func:`on_setup` is overriden by a subclass it will be called and :func:`on_exception` will NOT be called for this event (first BP). - If :func:`on_setup` is not defined the first BP will trigger an :func:`on_exception`. .. note:: see sample :ref:`sample_debugger_on_setup` """ return None
# Help detect if on_setup was override on_setup._abstract_on_setup_ = True
[docs] def on_exception(self, exception): """Called on exception event other that known breakpoint or requested single step. ``exception`` is one of the following type: * :class:`windows.winobject.exception.EEXCEPTION_DEBUG_INFO32` * :class:`windows.winobject.exception.EEXCEPTION_DEBUG_INFO64` The default behaviour is to return ``DBG_CONTINUE`` for the known exception code and ``DBG_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED`` else """ dbgprint("Exception: {0} at ".format(exception.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode, exception.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionAddress), "DBG") if not exception.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode in winexception.exception_name_by_value: return DBG_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED return DBG_CONTINUE
[docs] def on_single_step(self, exception): """Called on requested single step ``exception`` is one of the following type: * :class:`windows.winobject.exception.EEXCEPTION_DEBUG_INFO32` * :class:`windows.winobject.exception.EEXCEPTION_DEBUG_INFO64` There is no default implementation, if you use ``Debugger.single_step()`` you should implement ``on_single_step`` """ raise NotImplementedError("Debugger that explicitly single step should implement <on_single_step>")
[docs] def on_create_process(self, create_process): """Called on create_process event :param CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_INFO create_process:""" pass
[docs] def on_exit_process(self, exit_process): """Called on exit_process event :param EXIT_PROCESS_DEBUG_INFO exit_process:""" pass
[docs] def on_create_thread(self, create_thread): """Called on create_thread event :param CREATE_THREAD_DEBUG_INFO create_thread:""" pass
[docs] def on_exit_thread(self, exit_thread): """Called on exit_thread event :param EXIT_THREAD_DEBUG_INFO exit_thread:""" pass
[docs] def on_load_dll(self, load_dll): """Called on load_dll event :param LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_INFO load_dll:""" pass
[docs] def on_unload_dll(self, unload_dll): """Called on unload_dll event :param UNLOAD_DLL_DEBUG_INFO unload_dll:""" pass
[docs] def on_output_debug_string(self, debug_string): """Called on debug_string event :param OUTPUT_DEBUG_STRING_INFO debug_string:""" pass
[docs] def on_rip(self, rip_info): """Called on rip_info event :param RIP_INFO rip_info:""" pass