Source code for windows.debug.localdbg

from collections import defaultdict
from contextlib import contextmanager

import windows
import windows.winobject.exception as winexception

from windows import winproxy
from windows.generated_def import windef
from windows.generated_def.winstructs import *
from .breakpoints import *

class FakeDebuggerCurrentThread(object):
    """A pseudo thread representing the current thread at exception time"""
    def __init__(self, dbg):
        self.dbg = dbg

    def tid(self):
        return windows.current_thread.tid

    def context(self):
        """!!! This context in-place modification will be effective without set_context"""
        return self.dbg.get_exception_context()

    def set_context(self, context):
        # The context returned by 'self.context' already modify the return context in place..

[docs]class LocalDebugger(object): """A debugger interface around :func:`AddVectoredExceptionHandler`. Handle: * Standard BP (int3) * Hardware-Exec BP (DrX) """ def __init__(self): self.breakpoints = {} self._memory_save = {} self._reput_breakpoint = {} self._hxbp_breakpoint = defaultdict(dict) self.callback_vectored = winexception.VectoredException(self.callback) winproxy.AddVectoredExceptionHandler(0, self.callback_vectored) self.setup_hxbp_callback_vectored = winexception.VectoredException(self.setup_hxbp_callback) self.hxbp_info = None self.code = windows.native_exec.create_function(b"\xcc\xc3", [PVOID]) self.veh_depth = 0 self.current_exception = None self.exceptions_stack = [None] self.current_process = windows.current_process self.current_thread = FakeDebuggerCurrentThread(self) @contextmanager def NewCurrentException(self, exc): try: self.exceptions_stack.append(exc) self.current_exception = exc self.veh_depth += 1 yield exc finally: self.exceptions_stack.pop() self.current_exception = self.exceptions_stack[-1] self.veh_depth -= 1
[docs] def get_exception_code(self): """Return ExceptionCode of current exception""" return self.current_exception[0].ExceptionRecord[0].ExceptionCode
[docs] def get_exception_context(self): """Return context of current exception""" return self.current_exception[0].ContextRecord[0]
[docs] def single_step(self): """Make the current thread to single step""" self.get_exception_context().EEFlags.TF = 1 return windef.EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION
def _pass_breakpoint(self, addr, single_step): with windows.utils.VirtualProtected(addr, 1, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE): windows.current_process.write_memory(addr, self._memory_save[addr]) self._reput_breakpoint[windows.current_thread.tid] = self.breakpoints[addr], single_step return self.single_step() def _local_resolve(self, addr): if not isinstance(addr, basestring): return addr dll, api = addr.split("!") dll = dll.lower() modules = {[:-len(".dll")] if".dll") else : m for m in windows.current_process.peb.modules} mod = None if dll in modules: mod = [modules[dll]] if not mod: return None # TODO: optim exports are the same for whole system (32 vs 64 bits) # I don't have to reparse the exports each time.. # Try to interpret api as an int try: api_int = int(api, 0) return mod[0].baseaddr + api_int except ValueError: pass exports = mod[0].pe.exports if api not in exports: dbgprint("Error resolving <{0}> in local process".format(addr, target), "DBG") raise ValueError("Unknown API <{0}> in DLL {1}".format(api, dll)) return exports[api] def callback(self, exc): with self.NewCurrentException(exc): return self.handle_exception(exc) def handle_exception(self, exc): exp_code = self.get_exception_code() context = self.get_exception_context() exp_addr = context.pc if exp_code == EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT and exp_addr in self.breakpoints: res = self.breakpoints[exp_addr].trigger(self, exc) single_step = self.get_exception_context().EEFlags.TF # single step activated by breakpoint if exp_addr in self.breakpoints: # Breakpoint deleted itself ? return self._pass_breakpoint(exp_addr, single_step) return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION if exp_code == EXCEPTION_SINGLE_STEP and windows.current_thread.tid in self._reput_breakpoint: bp, single_step = self._reput_breakpoint[windows.current_thread.tid] self._memory_save[bp._addr] = windows.current_process.read_memory(bp._addr, 1) with windows.utils.VirtualProtected(bp._addr, 1, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE): windows.current_process.write_memory(bp._addr, b"\xcc") del self._reput_breakpoint[windows.current_thread.tid] if single_step: return self.on_exception(exc) return windef.EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION elif exp_code == EXCEPTION_SINGLE_STEP and exp_addr in self._hxbp_breakpoint[windows.current_thread.tid]: res = self._hxbp_breakpoint[windows.current_thread.tid][exp_addr].trigger(self, exc) context.EEFlags.RF = 1 return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION return self.on_exception(exc)
[docs] def on_exception(self, exc): """Called on exception""" if not self.get_exception_code() in winexception.exception_name_by_value: return windef.EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH return windef.EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION
[docs] def del_bp(self, bp, targets=None): """Delete a breakpoint""" # TODO: check targets.. if bp.type == STANDARD_BP: with windows.utils.VirtualProtected(bp.addr, 1, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE): windows.current_process.write_memory(bp.addr, self._memory_save[bp.addr]) del self._memory_save[bp.addr] del self.breakpoints[bp.addr] return if bp.type == HARDWARE_EXEC_BP: threads_by_tid = {t.tid: t for t in windows.current_process.threads} for tid in self._hxbp_breakpoint: if bp.addr in self._hxbp_breakpoint[tid] and self._hxbp_breakpoint[tid][bp.addr] == bp: if tid == windows.current_thread.tid: self.remove_hxbp_self_thread(bp.addr) else: self.remove_hxbp_other_thread(bp.addr, threads_by_tid[tid]) del self._hxbp_breakpoint[tid][bp.addr] return raise NotImplementedError("Unknow BP type {0}".format(bp.type))
[docs] def add_bp(self, bp, target=None): """Add a breakpoint, bp is a "class:`Breakpoint` If the ``bp`` type is ``STANDARD_BP``, target must be None. If the ``bp`` type is ``HARDWARE_EXEC_BP``, target can be None (all threads), or some threads of the process """ if bp.type == HARDWARE_EXEC_BP: return self.add_bp_hxbp(bp, target) if bp.type != STANDARD_BP: raise NotImplementedError("Unknow BP type {0}".format(bp.type)) if target not in [None, windows.current_process]: raise ValueError("LocalDebugger: STANDARD_BP doest not support targets {0}".format(targets)) addr = self._local_resolve(bp.addr) bp._addr = addr self.breakpoints[addr] = bp self._memory_save[addr] = windows.current_process.read_memory(addr, 1) with windows.utils.VirtualProtected(addr, 1, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE): windows.current_process.write_memory(addr, b"\xcc") return
def add_bp_hxbp(self, bp, targets=None): if bp.type != HARDWARE_EXEC_BP: raise NotImplementedError("Add non standard-BP in LocalDebugger") if targets is None: targets = windows.current_process.threads for thread in targets: if != raise ValueError("Cannot add HXBP to target in remote process {0}".format(thread)) if thread.tid == windows.current_thread.tid: self.setup_hxbp_self_thread(bp.addr) else: self.setup_hxbp_other_thread(bp.addr, thread) self._hxbp_breakpoint[thread.tid][bp.addr] = bp def setup_hxbp_callback(self, exc): with self.NewCurrentException(exc): exp_code = self.get_exception_code() if exp_code != windef.EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT: return windef.EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH context = self.get_exception_context() exp_addr = context.pc hxbp_used = self.setup_hxbp_in_context(context, windows.current_process.write_memory(exp_addr, b"\x90") # Raising in the VEH is a bad idea.. # So better give the information to triggerer.. if hxbp_used is not None: self.get_exception_context().func_result = exp_addr else: self.get_exception_context().func_result = 0 return windef.EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION def remove_hxbp_callback(self, exc): with self.NewCurrentException(exc): exp_code = self.get_exception_code() context = self.get_exception_context() exp_addr = context.pc hxbp_used = self.remove_hxbp_in_context(context, windows.current_process.write_memory(exp_addr, b"\x90") # Raising in the VEH is a bad idea.. # So better give the information to triggerer.. if hxbp_used is not None: self.get_exception_context().Eax = exp_addr else: self.get_exception_context().Eax = 0 return windef.EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION def setup_hxbp_in_context(self, context, addr): for i in range(4): is_used = getattr(context.EDr7, "L" + str(i)) empty_drx = str(i) if not is_used: context.EDr7.GE = 1 context.EDr7.LE = 1 setattr(context.EDr7, "L" + empty_drx, 1) setattr(context, "Dr" + empty_drx, addr) return i return None def remove_hxbp_in_context(self, context, addr): for i in range(4): target_drx = str(i) is_used = getattr(context.EDr7, "L" + str(i)) draddr = getattr(context, "Dr" + target_drx) if is_used and draddr == addr: setattr(context.EDr7, "L" + target_drx, 0) setattr(context, "Dr" + target_drx, 0) return i return None def setup_hxbp_self_thread(self, addr): if self.current_exception is not None: x = self.setup_hxbp_in_context(self.get_exception_context(), addr) if x is None: raise ValueError("Could not setup HXBP") return = addr with winexception.VectoredExceptionHandler(1, self.setup_hxbp_callback): x = self.code() if x is None: raise ValueError("Could not setup HXBP") windows.current_process.write_memory(x, b"\xcc") return def setup_hxbp_other_thread(self, addr, thread): thread.suspend() ctx = thread.context x = self.setup_hxbp_in_context(ctx, addr) if x is None: raise ValueError("Could not setup HXBP in {0}".format(thread)) thread.set_context(ctx) thread.resume() def remove_hxbp_self_thread(self, addr): if self.current_exception is not None: x = self.remove_hxbp_in_context(self.get_exception_context(), addr) if x is None: raise ValueError("Could not setup HXBP") return = addr with winexception.VectoredExceptionHandler(1, self.remove_hxbp_callback): x = self.code() if x is None: raise ValueError("Could not remove HXBP") windows.current_process.write_memory(x, b"\xcc") return def remove_hxbp_other_thread(self, addr, thread): thread.suspend() ctx = thread.context x = self.remove_hxbp_in_context(ctx, addr) if x is None: raise ValueError("Could not setup HXBP in {0}".format(thread)) thread.set_context(ctx) thread.resume()