Source code for windows.native_exec.native_function
import ctypes
import mmap
import platform
import sys
import windows
import windows.winproxy
import windows.generated_def as gdef
from . import simple_x86 as x86
from . import simple_x64 as x64
class CustomAllocator(object):
int_size = {'32bit': 4, '64bit': 8}
def __init__(self):
self.maps = []
self.cur_offset = 0
self.cur_page_size = 0 # Force get_new_page on first request
self.names = []
def get_int_size(cls):
bits = platform.architecture()[0]
if bits not in cls.int_size:
raise ValueError("Unknow platform bits <{0}>".format(bits))
return cls.int_size[bits]
def get_new_page(self, size):
addr = windows.winproxy.VirtualAlloc(0, size, 0x1000, gdef.PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE)
mymap = (ctypes.c_char * size).from_address(addr)
mymap.addr = addr
self.cur_offset = 0
self.cur_page_size = size
def reserve_size(self, size):
if size + self.cur_offset > self.cur_page_size:
self.get_new_page((size + 0x1000) & ~0xfff)
addr = self.maps[-1].addr + self.cur_offset
self.cur_offset += size
return addr
def reserve_int(self, nb_int=1):
int_size = self.get_int_size()
return self.reserve_size(int_size * nb_int)
def write_code(self, code):
size = len(code)
if size + self.cur_offset > self.cur_page_size:
self.get_new_page((size + 0x1000) & ~0xfff)
self.maps[-1][self.cur_offset: self.cur_offset + size] = code
addr = self.maps[-1].addr + self.cur_offset
self.cur_offset += size
return addr
def close(self):
maps = self.maps
self.maps = []
self.cur_offset = 0
self.cur_page_size = 0
if getattr(sys, "path", None) is None:
# Path is None -> Python shutdown
for mymap in maps:
windows.winproxy.VirtualFree(mymap.addr, dwFreeType=gdef.MEM_RELEASE)
def __del__(self):
allocator = CustomAllocator()
def create_function(code, types, calling_convention=ctypes.CFUNCTYPE):
"""Create a python function that call raw machine code
:param str code: Raw machine code that will be called
:param list types: Return type and parameters type (see :mod:`ctypes`)
:return: the created function
:rtype: function
func_type = calling_convention(*types)
addr = allocator.write_code(code)
res = func_type(addr)
res.code_addr = addr
return res