Source code for windows.utils.winutils

import ctypes
import msvcrt
import os
import sys
import code
import math
import datetime
import warnings
from collections import namedtuple

import windows
from windows.dbgprint import dbgprint
import windows.generated_def as gdef

from .. import winproxy
from ..generated_def.winstructs import *

# Function resolution !
# should be in winproxy ?
def get_func_addr(dll_name, func_name):
        # Load the DLL
        modules = windows.current_process.peb.modules
        if not dll_name.lower().endswith(".dll"):
            dll_name += ".dll"
        mod = [x for x in modules if == dll_name][0]

def get_remote_func_addr(target, dll_name, func_name):
        name_modules = [m for m in target.peb.modules if == dll_name]
        if not len(name_modules):
            raise ValueError("Module <{0}> not loaded in target <{1}>".format(dll_name, target))
        mod = name_modules[0]

def is_wow_64(hProcess):
        fnIsWow64Process = get_func_addr("kernel32.dll", "IsWow64Process")
    except winproxy.WinproxyError:
        return False
    IsWow64Process = ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE(BOOL, HANDLE, ctypes.POINTER(BOOL))(fnIsWow64Process)
    Wow64Process = BOOL()
    res = IsWow64Process(hProcess, ctypes.byref(Wow64Process))
    if res:
        return bool(Wow64Process)
    raise ctypes.WinError()

[docs] def create_file_from_handle(handle, mode="r"): """Return a Python :class:`file` around a ``Windows`` HANDLE""" flags = os.O_BINARY if "b" in mode else os.O_TEXT fd = msvcrt.open_osfhandle(handle, flags) kwargs = {} if windows.pycompat.is_py3 and flags == os.O_TEXT: # Buffering, encoding args = (100, "ascii") else: # Buffering args = (0,) # In py2 os.fdopen do not accept kwargs return os.fdopen(fd, mode, *args)
[docs] def get_handle_from_file(f): """Get the ``Windows`` HANDLE of a python :class:`file`""" return msvcrt.get_osfhandle(f.fileno())
[docs] def create_console(): """Create a new console displaying STDOUT. Useful in injection of GUI process""" winproxy.AllocConsole() stdout_handle = winproxy.GetStdHandle(gdef.STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE) console_stdout = create_file_from_handle(stdout_handle, "w") sys.stdout = console_stdout stdin_handle = winproxy.GetStdHandle(gdef.STD_INPUT_HANDLE) console_stdin = create_file_from_handle(stdin_handle, "r") sys.stdin = console_stdin stderr_handle = winproxy.GetStdHandle(gdef.STD_ERROR_HANDLE) console_stderr = create_file_from_handle(stderr_handle, "w") sys.stderr = console_stderr
[docs] def create_process(path, args=None, dwCreationFlags=0, show_windows=True): """A convenient wrapper arround :func:`windows.winproxy.CreateProcessW`""" proc_info = PROCESS_INFORMATION() lpStartupInfo = None if show_windows: StartupInfo = STARTUPINFOW() StartupInfo.cb = ctypes.sizeof(StartupInfo) StartupInfo.dwFlags = 0 lpStartupInfo = ctypes.byref(StartupInfo) lpCommandLine = None if isinstance(path, bytes): path = path.decode() if args: unicode_args = [] for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, bytes): arg = arg.decode() unicode_args.append(arg) lpCommandLine = (" ".join(unicode_args)) windows.winproxy.CreateProcessW(path, lpCommandLine=lpCommandLine, dwCreationFlags=dwCreationFlags, lpProcessInformation=ctypes.byref(proc_info), lpStartupInfo=lpStartupInfo) dbgprint("CreateProcessW new process handle {:#x}".format(proc_info.hProcess), "HANDLE") dbgprint("CreateProcessW new thread handle {:#x}".format(proc_info.hThread), "HANDLE") dbgprint("Automatic close of thread handle {:#x}".format(proc_info.hThread), "HANDLE") windows.winproxy.CloseHandle(proc_info.hThread) # Give access to a WinThread in addition of the WinProcess ? return windows.winobject.process.WinProcess(pid=proc_info.dwProcessId, handle=proc_info.hProcess)
def device_io_control(handle, iocode, buffer): outbuffer = ctypes.c_buffer(0x1000) returned_size = gdef.DWORD() windows.winproxy.DeviceIoControl(handle, iocode, buffer, lpOutBuffer=outbuffer, lpBytesReturned=returned_size) return outbuffer[:returned_size.value] # TODO: remove/rename me # Real API with WinProcess.create() ? def tmp_cp_as(path, token): proc_info = PROCESS_INFORMATION() windows.winproxy.CreateProcessAsUserW(token, path, lpCommandLine=None, dwCreationFlags=gdef.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, lpProcessInformation=ctypes.byref(proc_info), lpStartupInfo=None) return windows.winobject.process.WinProcess(pid=proc_info.dwProcessId, handle=proc_info.hProcess) def find_handle(proc, value): return [h for h in windows.system.handles if h.dwProcessId == and h.wValue == value] def lookup_privilege_value(privilege_name): luid = LUID() winproxy.LookupPrivilegeValueW(None, privilege_name, byref(luid)) return luid def lookup_privilege_name(privilege_value): if isinstance(privilege_value, tuple): luid = LUID(privilege_value[1], privilege_value[0]) privilege_value = luid size = DWORD(0x100) buff = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(size.value) winproxy.LookupPrivilegeNameW(None, privilege_value, buff, size) return buff[:size.value] def lookup_sid(psid): """Retrieves the name of the Computer/Domain and the name of the Account for a given SID :returns: (:class:`unicode`, :class:`unicode`) - A tuple of two unicode strings """ usernamesize = gdef.DWORD(0x1000) computernamesize = gdef.DWORD(0x1000) username = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(usernamesize.value) computername = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(computernamesize.value) peUse = gdef.SID_NAME_USE() winproxy.LookupAccountSidW(None, psid, username, usernamesize, computername, computernamesize, peUse) return computername[:computernamesize.value], username[:usernamesize.value] def lookup_name(computer, user): sid_size = gdef.DWORD() domain_size = gdef.DWORD(0) stype = gdef.SID_NAME_USE() try: windows.winproxy.LookupAccountNameW(computer, user, None, sid_size, None, domain_size, stype) except WindowsError as e: pass domain = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(domain_size.value) sid = ctypes.c_buffer(sid_size.value) windows.winproxy.LookupAccountNameW(computer, user, sid, sid_size, domain, domain_size, stype) psid = PSID.from_buffer_copy(ctypes.pointer(sid)) psid._save_value = sid # Save the SID object so that it's now deleted prematurly return domain[:domain_size.value], psid, stype.value
[docs] def enable_privilege(lpszPrivilege, bEnablePrivilege): """ Enable or disable a privilege:: enable_privilege(SE_DEBUG_NAME, True) """ tp = TOKEN_PRIVILEGES() luid = LUID() hToken = HANDLE() winproxy.OpenProcessToken(winproxy.GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS, byref(hToken)) winproxy.LookupPrivilegeValueW(None, lpszPrivilege, byref(luid)) tp.PrivilegeCount = 1 tp.Privileges[0].Luid = luid if bEnablePrivilege: tp.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED else: tp.Privileges[0].Attributes = 0 winproxy.AdjustTokenPrivileges(hToken, False, byref(tp), sizeof(TOKEN_PRIVILEGES)) winproxy.CloseHandle(hToken) if winproxy.GetLastError() == gdef.ERROR_NOT_ALL_ASSIGNED: raise ValueError("Failed to get privilege {0}".format(lpszPrivilege)) return True
[docs] def check_is_elevated(): """Return ``True`` if process is Admin""" hToken = HANDLE() elevation = TOKEN_ELEVATION() cbsize = DWORD() winproxy.OpenProcessToken(winproxy.GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS, byref(hToken)) winproxy.GetTokenInformation(hToken, TokenElevation, byref(elevation), sizeof(elevation), byref(cbsize)) winproxy.CloseHandle(hToken) return elevation.TokenIsElevated
[docs] def check_debug(): """Check that kernel is in debug mode (beware of NOUMEX): """ options = windows.system.registry(r'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control')['SystemStartOptions'] control = options.value if "DEBUG" not in control: # print "[-] Enable debug boot!" # print "> bcdedit /debug on" return False if "DEBUG=NOUMEX" not in control: pass # print "[*] Warning noumex not set!" # print "> bcdedit /set noumex on" return True
UNIX_EPOCH = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0) WINDOWS_EPOCH = datetime.datetime(1601, 1, 1, 0, 0) # # Why keep it simple and have only one epoch ? :D # I don't want to name this "DATE_EPOCH" as everything is a DATE # So let's go with COMDATE as this structure seems very related to COM/AUTOMATION COMDATE_EPOCH = datetime.datetime(1899, 12, 30, 0, 0) WIN_TO_UNIX_EPOCH_SECOND = int((UNIX_EPOCH - WINDOWS_EPOCH).total_seconds()) WIN_TICK_PER_SECOND_INT = 10**7 WIN_TICK_PER_SECOND_FLOAT = 10.0**7 WIN_TO_UNIX_EPOCH_WIN_TICKS = WIN_TO_UNIX_EPOCH_SECOND * WIN_TICK_PER_SECOND_INT # TODO: look in python stblib how filetime -> unix timestamp translation is down (os.stat code ?) def unix_timestamp_from_filetime(filetime): # Round the filetime last_number = (filetime % 10) # We do some sort of "manual rounding cause of py2 vs py3 # PY2: round(0.5) == 1 # PY3: round(0.5) == 0 if last_number == 5: rounding = 1 else: rounding = round(last_number / 10.0) round_win_ticks = ((filetime // 10) + int(rounding)) * 10 return round((round_win_ticks - WIN_TO_UNIX_EPOCH_WIN_TICKS) / WIN_TICK_PER_SECOND_FLOAT, 7) def datetime_from_filetime(filetime): """return a :class:`datetime.datetime` from a ``windows`` FILETIME int""" # Manual non-approx rounding as filetime will not have a perfect representation as Python float # We do some sort of "manual rounding cause of py2 vs py3 # PY2: round(0.5) == 1 # PY3: round(0.5) == 0 last_number = (filetime % 10) if last_number == 5: rounding = 1 else: rounding = round(last_number / 10.0) round_microsecond = (filetime // 10) + int(rounding) return WINDOWS_EPOCH + datetime.timedelta(microseconds=round_microsecond) def filetime_from_datetime(dtime): """Return the FILETIME value from a :class:`datetime.datetime` in a python :class:`int`""" return int((dtime - WINDOWS_EPOCH).total_seconds()) * WIN_TICK_PER_SECOND_INT def datetime_from_comdate(comtime): # Hour values are expressed as the absolute value of the fractional part of the number. if comtime < 0: # The date timeline becomes discontinuous for date values less than 0 (before 30 December 1899). This is because the whole-number portion of the date value is treated as signed, while the fractional part is treated as unsigned. # other words, the whole-number part of the date value may be positive or negative, while the fractional part of the date value is always added to the overall logical date. # WTF :D dec, nb = math.modf(comtime) final_delta = nb + abs(dec) return COMDATE_EPOCH + datetime.timedelta(final_delta) return COMDATE_EPOCH + datetime.timedelta(comtime) def datetime_from_systemtime(systime): return datetime.datetime( year=systime.wYear, month=systime.wMonth, day=systime.wDay, hour=systime.wHour, minute=systime.wMinute, second=systime.wSecond, microsecond=systime.wMilliseconds * 1000, ) class FixedInteractiveConsole(code.InteractiveConsole): def raw_input(self, prompt=">>>"): sys.stdout.write(prompt) return raw_input("")
[docs] def pop_shell(locs=None): """Pop a console with an InterativeConsole""" if locs is None: locs = globals() create_console() FixedInteractiveConsole(locs).interact()
def get_kernel_modules(): warnings.warn("get_kernel_modules() will be removed: use windows.system.modules instead", DeprecationWarning) return windows.system.modules class FileStreamInformation(gdef.FILE_STREAM_INFORMATION): @property def name(self): return gdef.LPWSTR(ctypes.addressof(self) + type(self).StreamName.offset).value @property def next(self): if not self.NextEntryOffset: return None return type(self).from_address(ctypes.addressof(self) + self.NextEntryOffset) def all(self): return list(self) def __iter__(self): while self: yield self self = def __repr__(self): return "<ADS name='{0}'>".format( ntqueryinformationfile_info_structs = { gdef.FileAccessInformation: gdef.FILE_ACCESS_INFORMATION, gdef.FileAlignmentInformation: gdef.FILE_ALIGNMENT_INFORMATION, gdef.FileAllInformation: gdef.FILE_ALL_INFORMATION, gdef.FileAttributeTagInformation: gdef.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TAG_INFORMATION, gdef.FileBasicInformation: gdef.FILE_BASIC_INFORMATION, gdef.FileEaInformation: gdef.FILE_EA_INFORMATION , gdef.FileInternalInformation: gdef.FILE_INTERNAL_INFORMATION, gdef.FileIoPriorityHintInformation: gdef.FILE_IO_PRIORITY_HINT_INFORMATION, gdef.FileModeInformation: gdef.FILE_MODE_INFORMATION, gdef.FileNetworkOpenInformation: gdef.FILE_NETWORK_OPEN_INFORMATION, gdef.FileNameInformation: gdef.FILE_NAME_INFORMATION, gdef.FilePositionInformation: gdef.FILE_POSITION_INFORMATION, gdef.FileStandardInformation: gdef.FILE_STANDARD_INFORMATION, gdef.FileIsRemoteDeviceInformation: gdef.FILE_IS_REMOTE_DEVICE_INFORMATION, gdef.FileStreamInformation: FileStreamInformation, } def query_file_information(file_or_handle, file_info_class): if not isinstance(file_or_handle, windows.pycompat.int_types): file_or_handle = windows.utils.get_handle_from_file(file_or_handle) handle = file_or_handle io_status = gdef.IO_STATUS_BLOCK() info = ntqueryinformationfile_info_structs[file_info_class]() # Do helper for 'is_pointer' / get pointed_size & co ? (useful for winproxy) pinfo = ctypes.pointer(info) try: windows.winproxy.NtQueryInformationFile(handle, io_status, pinfo, ctypes.sizeof(info), FileInformationClass=file_info_class) except Exception as e: if not (e.winerror & 0xffffffff) == gdef.STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW: raise # STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW -> Guess we have a FILE_NAME_INFORMATION somewhere that need a bigger buffer if file_info_class == gdef.FileNameInformation: file_name_length = pinfo[0].FileNameLength elif file_info_class == gdef.FileAllInformation: file_name_length = pinfo[0].NameInformation.FileNameLength elif file_info_class == gdef.FileStreamInformation: file_name_length = 0x10000 else: raise full_size = ctypes.sizeof(info) + file_name_length # We add a little too much size for the sake of simplicity buffer = ctypes.c_buffer(full_size) windows.winproxy.NtQueryInformationFile(handle, io_status, buffer, full_size, FileInformationClass=file_info_class) pinfo = ctypes.cast(buffer, ctypes.POINTER(ntqueryinformationfile_info_structs[file_info_class])) info = pinfo[0] # return list of ADS if FileStreamInformation ? return info class EAInfo(gdef.FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION): @property def name(self): return gdef.LPCSTR(ctypes.addressof(self) + type(self).EaName.offset).value @property def value(self): value_addr = ctypes.addressof(self) + type(self).EaName.offset + self.EaNameLength + 1 # +1 -> Name \x00 return (ctypes.c_char * self.EaValueLength).from_address(value_addr)[:] @property def next(self): # NextEntryOffset is Relative to our current offset if not self.NextEntryOffset: return None try: # First entry raw_buffer = self._b_base_._raw_buffer_ except AttributeError as e: raw_buffer = self._raw_buffer_ curoffset = getattr(self, "_raw_buffer_offset_", 0) new = type(self).from_buffer(raw_buffer, curoffset + self.NextEntryOffset) # Keep the underlying buffer easily accessible new._raw_buffer_ = raw_buffer new._raw_buffer_offset_ = curoffset + self.NextEntryOffset return new def __iter__(self): while self: yield self self = def __repr__(self): return '<{0} name="{1}">'.format(type(self).__name__, MAXIMUM_EA_SIZE = 0x0000ffff def query_extended_attributes(file_or_handle): if isinstance(file_or_handle, file): file_or_handle = windows.utils.get_handle_from_file(file_or_handle) # Check EaSize x = windows.utils.query_file_information(file_or_handle, gdef.FileEaInformation) if not x.EaSize: return io_status = gdef.IO_STATUS_BLOCK() # Handle Win10 / Win7 # Saw on Win10 -> EaSize > MAXIMUM_EA_SIZE # Saw on Win7 -> EaSize not enought (STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) buffsize = max(MAXIMUM_EA_SIZE, x.EaSize) buffer = windows.utils.BUFFER(EAInfo)(size=buffsize) windows.winproxy.NtQueryEaFile(file_or_handle, io_status, buffer, buffsize, False, None, 0, None, True) return buffer[0] ntqueryvolumeinformationfile_info_structs = { gdef.FileFsAttributeInformation: gdef.FILE_FS_ATTRIBUTE_INFORMATION, gdef.FileFsControlInformation: gdef.FILE_FS_CONTROL_INFORMATION, gdef.FileFsDeviceInformation: gdef.FILE_FS_DEVICE_INFORMATION, gdef.FileFsDriverPathInformation: gdef.FILE_FS_DRIVER_PATH_INFORMATION, gdef.FileFsFullSizeInformation: gdef.FILE_FS_FULL_SIZE_INFORMATION, gdef.FileFsObjectIdInformation: gdef.FILE_FS_OBJECTID_INFORMATION, gdef.FileFsSizeInformation: gdef.FILE_FS_SIZE_INFORMATION, gdef.FileFsVolumeInformation: gdef.FILE_FS_VOLUME_INFORMATION, gdef.FileFsSectorSizeInformation: gdef.FILE_FS_SECTOR_SIZE_INFORMATION, } # TODO: FileFsDriverPathInformation # TODO: Extended FILE_FS_VOLUME_INFORMATION that can read the real value of 'VolumeLabel' def query_volume_information(file_or_handle, volume_info_class): if not isinstance(file_or_handle, windows.pycompat.int_types): file_or_handle = get_handle_from_file(file_or_handle) handle = file_or_handle io_status = gdef.IO_STATUS_BLOCK() info = ntqueryvolumeinformationfile_info_structs[volume_info_class]() # Do helper for 'is_pointer' / get pointed_size & co ? (useful for winproxy) pinfo = ctypes.pointer(info) try: windows.winproxy.NtQueryVolumeInformationFile(handle, io_status, pinfo, ctypes.sizeof(info), FsInformationClass=volume_info_class) except WindowsError as e: # import pdb;pdb.set_trace() if not (e.winerror & 0xffffffff) == gdef.STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW: raise if volume_info_class == gdef.FileFsAttributeInformation: file_name_length = pinfo[0].FileSystemNameLength elif volume_info_class == gdef.FileFsVolumeInformation: # Well VolumeLabelLength is clearly broken (after testing..) so we are adding some bytes to it.. file_name_length = pinfo[0].VolumeLabelLength + 0x100 # I have seen cases where the VolumeLabelLength is not even enough.. else: raise full_size = ctypes.sizeof(info) + file_name_length # We add a little too much size for the sake of simplicity buffer = ctypes.c_buffer(full_size) windows.winproxy.NtQueryVolumeInformationFile(handle, io_status, buffer, full_size, FsInformationClass=volume_info_class) pinfo = ctypes.cast(buffer, ctypes.POINTER(ntqueryvolumeinformationfile_info_structs[volume_info_class])) info = pinfo[0] return info return info # String stuff def ntstatus(code): return windows.generated_def.ntstatus.NtStatusException(code) _WINERROR_BY_VALUE = None def winerror(code): global _WINERROR_BY_VALUE if not _WINERROR_BY_VALUE: # Lazy init _WINERROR_BY_VALUE = gdef.FlagMapper(*(getattr(gdef, error) for error in gdef.meta.errors)) val = _WINERROR_BY_VALUE[code] if val is code: # Not found val = _WINERROR_BY_VALUE[code & 0xffff] # Hresult: extract code ( return val
[docs] def get_long_path(path): """Return the long path form for ``path``. :raise: :class:`~windows.winproxy.WinproxyError` if ``path`` does not exists :param path: a valid Windows path :type path: :class:`str` | :obj:`unicode` :returns: :class:`str` | :obj:`unicode` -- same type as ``path`` parameter """ size = 0x1000 buffer = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(size) rsize = winproxy.GetLongPathNameW(path, buffer, size) return buffer[:rsize]
[docs] def get_short_path(path): """Return the short path form for ``path`` :raise: :class:`~windows.winproxy.WinproxyError` if ``path`` does not exists :param path: a valid Windows path :type path: :class:`str` | :obj:`unicode` :returns: :class:`str` | :obj:`unicode` -- same type as ``path`` parameter """ size = 0x1000 buffer = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(size) rsize = winproxy.GetShortPathNameW(path, buffer, size) return buffer[:rsize]
def dospath_to_ntpath(dospath): ustring = gdef.UNICODE_STRING() windows.winproxy.RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U(dospath, ustring, None, None) return ustring.str def get_shared_mapping(name=None, handle=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, size=0x1000): # TODO: real code h = windows.winproxy.CreateFileMappingW(handle, dwMaximumSizeLow=size, lpName=name) addr = windows.winproxy.MapViewOfFile(h, dwNumberOfBytesToMap=size) return addr def create_file(name, access=gdef.GENERIC_READ, share=gdef.FILE_SHARE_READ, security=None, creation=gdef.OPEN_EXISTING, flags=gdef.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL): return windows.winproxy.CreateFileW(name, access, share, security, creation, flags, 0) #def mapfile(file): # fhandle = get_handle_from_file(file) # h = windows.winproxy.CreateFileMappingA(fhandle, None, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 1, None) # addr = windows.winproxy.MapViewOfFile(h, dwDesiredAccess=FILE_MAP_READ, dwNumberOfBytesToMap=1) # return addr def decompress_buffer(buffer, comptype=gdef.COMPRESSION_FORMAT_LZNT1, uncompress_size=None): if uncompress_size is None: uncompress_size = len(buffer) * 10 result_size = DWORD() uncompressed = ctypes.c_buffer(uncompress_size) windows.winproxy.RtlDecompressBuffer(comptype, uncompressed, uncompress_size, buffer, len(buffer), result_size) return uncompressed[:result_size.value] def compress_buffer(buffer, comptype=gdef.COMPRESSION_FORMAT_LZNT1): uncompress_size = len(buffer) CompressedBufferSize = uncompress_size + 0x1000 CompressedBuffer = ctypes.c_buffer(CompressedBufferSize) chunk = 4096 final_size = gdef.DWORD() work_space_size = gdef.ULONG() ignore_data = gdef.ULONG() windows.winproxy.RtlGetCompressionWorkSpaceSize(comptype, work_space_size, ignore_data) work_space = ctypes.c_buffer(work_space_size.value) windows.winproxy.RtlCompressBuffer(comptype, buffer, uncompress_size, CompressedBuffer, CompressedBufferSize, chunk, final_size, work_space) return CompressedBuffer[:final_size.value] # + real SID type ? def get_known_sid(sid_type): size = DWORD() try: windows.winproxy.CreateWellKnownSid(sid_type, None, None, size) except WindowsError: pass buffer = ctypes.c_buffer(size.value) windows.winproxy.CreateWellKnownSid(sid_type, None, buffer, size) return ctypes.cast(buffer, PSID) UnloadEventTraceInfo = namedtuple("UnloadEventTraceInfo", ["size", "nb_elt", "array_ptr"]) def get_unload_event_trace(): x = PULONG() y = PULONG() z = PVOID() windows.winproxy.RtlGetUnloadEventTraceEx(x, y, z) return UnloadEventTraceInfo(x[0], y[0], z.value)
[docs] class VirtualProtected(object): """ A context manager usable like `VirtualProtect` that will restore the old protection at exit :: with utils.VirtualProtected(IATentry.addr, ctypes.sizeof(PVOID), gdef.PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE): IATentry.value = 0x42424242 """ def __init__(self, addr, size, new_protect): if (addr % 0x1000): addr = addr - addr % 0x1000 self.addr = addr self.size = size self.new_protect = new_protect def __enter__(self): self.old_protect = DWORD() winproxy.VirtualProtect(self.addr, self.size, self.new_protect, ctypes.byref(self.old_protect)) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): winproxy.VirtualProtect(self.addr, self.size, self.old_protect.value, ctypes.byref(self.old_protect)) return False
[docs] class DisableWow64FsRedirection(object): """ A context manager that disable the SysWow64 Filesystem Redirection :: if is_process_32_bits: def pop_calc_64(): with windows.utils.DisableWow64FsRedirection(): return windows.utils.create_process(r"C:\Windows\system32\calc.exe", True) """ def __enter__(self): if windows.current_process.bitness == 64 or windows.system.bitness == 32: return self self.OldValue = PVOID() winproxy.Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection(ctypes.byref(self.OldValue)) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): if windows.current_process.bitness == 64 or windows.system.bitness == 32: return False winproxy.Wow64RevertWow64FsRedirection(self.OldValue) return False