Source code for windows.winobject.device_manager

import ctypes
import itertools

import windows
from windows import winproxy
import windows.generated_def as gdef
from import SecurityDescriptor
from windows.utils import fixedproperty

[docs]class DeviceManager(object): """Represent the device manager""" @property def classes(self): """The list of installed device classes. :return: [:class:`DeviceClass`] -- A list of :class:`DeviceClass` """ return list(self._classes_generator()) def _classes_generator(self): for index in itertools.count(): try: yield self._enumerate_classes(index, 0) except WindowsError as e: if e.winerror == gdef.CR_NO_SUCH_VALUE: break # Some index values might represent list entries containing invalid class data, # in which case the function returns CR_INVALID_DATA. # This return value can be ignored. if e.winerror == gdef.CR_INVALID_DATA: continue raise def _enumerate_classes(self, index, flags=0): res = DeviceClass() x = winproxy.CM_Enumerate_Classes(index, res, flags) return res
[docs]class DeviceClass(gdef.GUID): """A Device class, which is mainly a :class:`GUID` with additional attributes""" def __init__(self): # Bypass GUID __init__ that is not revelant here pass @fixedproperty def name(self): """The name of the device class""" return self._get_device_class_name() @property def devices(self): """The set of devices of the current class. :type: :class:`DeviceInformationSet` """ return self.enumerate_devices() def enumerate_devices(self, flags=0): handle = winproxy.SetupDiGetClassDevsA(self, Flags=flags) return DeviceInformationSet(handle) def _get_device_class_name(self): name = ctypes.create_string_buffer(gdef.MAX_CLASS_NAME_LEN) winproxy.SetupDiClassNameFromGuidA(self, name) return name.value def __repr__(self): guid_cls = self.to_string() return """<{0} name="{1}" guid={2}>""".format(type(self).__name__,, guid_cls) __str__ = __repr__ # Overwrite default GUID str
[docs]class DeviceInformationSet(gdef.HDEVINFO): """A device instances, can be itered to retrieve the underliyings :class:`DeviceInstance`""" def all_device_infos(self): for index in itertools.count(): try: yield self.enum_device_info(index) except WindowsError as e: if e.winerror == gdef.ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS: return raise __iter__ = all_device_infos def enum_device_info(self, index): res = DeviceInstance(self) res.cbSize = ctypes.sizeof(res) winproxy.SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(self, index, res) return res
[docs] def enum_device_interface(self, index): """Not Implemented Yet""" raise NotImplementedError("enum_device_interface")
def all(self): return list(self)
[docs]class DeviceInstance(gdef.SP_DEVINFO_DATA): """An instance of a Device. The properties are from the page """ def __init__(self, information_set=None): self.information_set = information_set # make a .device_class ? that return the DeviceClass ased in ClassGuid ? def get_property(self, property): datatype = gdef.DWORD() buffer_size = 0x1000 buffer = windows.utils.BUFFER(gdef.BYTE, nbelt=buffer_size)() required_size = gdef.DWORD() # Registry parsing code expect W stuff, so use W function try: winproxy.SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyW(self.information_set, self, property, datatype, buffer.cast(gdef.LPBYTE), buffer_size, required_size) except WindowsError as e: if e.winerror == gdef.ERROR_INVALID_DATA: return None raise # PropertyRegDataType # A pointer to a variable that receives the data type of the property # that is being retrieved. # This is one of the standard registry data types # Look like its registry based, so use the registry decoders :) return windows.winobject.registry.decode_registry_buffer(datatype.value, buffer, required_size.value) def _generate_property_getter(prop): def getter(self): return self.get_property(prop) return property(getter) name = _generate_property_getter(gdef.SPDRP_FRIENDLYNAME) """The name of the device""" description = _generate_property_getter(gdef.SPDRP_DEVICEDESC) """The description of the device""" hardware_id = _generate_property_getter(gdef.SPDRP_HARDWAREID) """The list of hardware IDs for the device. ( """ enumerator_name = _generate_property_getter(gdef.SPDRP_ENUMERATOR_NAME) """The enumerator name of the devices ( """ driver = _generate_property_getter(gdef.SPDRP_DRIVER) """The driver of the device """ # Map on Device type ? # type = _generate_property_getter(gdef.SPDRP_DEVTYPE) """The type of device ( """ upper_filters = _generate_property_getter(gdef.SPDRP_UPPERFILTERS) """A list of string that contains the names of a device's upper filter drivers.""" lower_filters = _generate_property_getter(gdef.SPDRP_LOWERFILTERS) """A list of string that contains the names of a device's lower filter drivers.""" raw_security_descriptor = _generate_property_getter(gdef.SPDRP_SECURITY) """The raw (binary) security descriptor of the device""" # I would prefer to use the security_descriptor sddl # ssdl = _generate_property_getter(gdef.SPDRP_SECURITY_SDS) service_name = _generate_property_getter(gdef.SPDRP_SERVICE) """The name of the service for the device ( """ manufacturer = _generate_property_getter(gdef.SPDRP_MFG) """The name of the device manufacturer.""" location_information = _generate_property_getter(gdef.SPDRP_LOCATION_INFORMATION) """The hardware location of a device.""" location_paths = _generate_property_getter(gdef.SPDRP_LOCATION_PATHS) """A list of strings that represents the location of the device in the device tree.""" # Looks like it can raise ERROR_NO_SUCH_DEVINST # install_date = _generate_property_getter(gdef.SPDRP_INSTALL_STATE) capabilites = _generate_property_getter(gdef.SPDRP_CAPABILITIES) """The device capabilites ( """ bus_type = _generate_property_getter(gdef.SPDRP_BUSTYPEGUID) """The function retrieves the GUID for the device's bus type.""" bus_number = _generate_property_getter(gdef.SPDRP_BUSNUMBER) """The device's bus number.""" address = _generate_property_getter(gdef.SPDRP_ADDRESS) """The device's address.""" ui_number = _generate_property_getter(gdef.SPDRP_UI_NUMBER) """Retrieves a DWORD value set to the value of the UINumber member of the device's""" ui_number_desc_format = _generate_property_getter(gdef.SPDRP_UI_NUMBER_DESC_FORMAT) # Getter with special error handling @property def device_object_name(self): """The function retrieves a string that contains the name that is associated with the device's PDO.""" try: return self.get_property(gdef.SPDRP_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_OBJECT_NAME) except WindowsError as e: if e.winerror not in (gdef.ERROR_INVALID_DATA, gdef.ERROR_NO_SUCH_DEVINST): raise # # Explanation of types: # - def get_first_logical_configuration(self, type): res = LogicalConfiguration() try: winproxy.CM_Get_First_Log_Conf(res, self.DevInst, type) except WindowsError as e: if e.winerror == gdef.CR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED: e.strerror += " (Cannot be called from Wow64 process since Win8)" raise return res def get_next_logical_configuration(self, logconf): res = gdef.HANDLE(0) winproxy.CM_Get_Next_Log_Conf(res, logconf) return res def _logical_configuration_generator(self, type): x = self.get_first_logical_configuration(type) while x: yield x try: x = self.get_next_logical_configuration(x) except WindowsError as e: if e.winerror == gdef.CR_NO_MORE_LOG_CONF: return raise def get_logical_configuration(self, type): return list(self._logical_configuration_generator(type)) # Allocated Configuration # From # A resource list identifying resources currently in use by a device instance. # !!! Only one allocated configuration can exist for each device instance. @property def allocated_configuration(self): """The allocated configuration of the device. ( :type: :class:`LogicalConfiguration` """ allocconfs = self.get_logical_configuration(gdef.ALLOC_LOG_CONF) if not allocconfs: return allocconfs assert len(allocconfs) == 1 # Only one allocated configuration can exist for each device instance. return allocconfs[0] # Boot Configuration # From # A resource list identifying the resources assigned to a device instance when the system is booted # Only one boot configuration can exist for each device instance. @property def boot_configuration(self): """The boot configuration of the device. ( :type: :class:`LogicalConfiguration` """ bootconfs = self.get_logical_configuration(gdef.BOOT_LOG_CONF) if not bootconfs: return bootconfs assert len(bootconfs) == 1 # Only one boot configuration can exist for each device instance. return bootconfs[0] # Make properties for Each type of logical configuration ? # 'advanced' attributes extrapolated from properties @property def security_descriptor(self): """The security descriptor of the device. :type: :class:`` """ return SecurityDescriptor.from_binary(self.raw_security_descriptor) def __repr__(self): return """<{0} "{1}" (id={2})>""".format(type(self).__name__, self.description, self.DevInst)
[docs]class LogicalConfiguration(gdef.HANDLE): """Logical Configuration of a Device instance""" def get_next_resource_descriptor(self, resource, resdes=None): if resdes is None: # Using logical-conf as resdes will retrieve the first one # resdes = self resid = None if resource == gdef.ResType_All: resid = gdef.RESOURCEID() res = gdef.HANDLE() winproxy.CM_Get_Next_Res_Des(res, resdes, resource, resid, 0) resdes_type = resid.value if resid is not None else resource return ResourceDescriptor.from_handle_and_type(res.value, resdes_type) def get_resources_for_type(self, type): try: current = self.get_next_resource_descriptor(type) yield current while True: current = self.get_next_resource_descriptor(type, current) yield current except WindowsError as e: if e.winerror == gdef.CR_NO_MORE_RES_DES: return raise @property def resources(self): """The list of resources in the current logical configuration :type: [:class:`ResourceDescriptor`] -- A list of [:class:`ResourceDescriptor`] """ return list(self.get_resources_for_type(gdef.ResType_All)) def __repr__(self): return "<{0}>".format(type(self).__name__)
ResType_Mapper = gdef.FlagMapper( gdef.ResType_None, gdef.ResType_Mem, gdef.ResType_IO, gdef.ResType_DMA, gdef.ResType_IRQ, gdef.ResType_BusNumber, gdef.ResType_MemLarge, gdef.ResType_ClassSpecific, gdef.ResType_DevicePrivate, gdef.ResType_MfCardConfig, gdef.ResType_PcCardConfig, )
[docs]class ResourceDescriptor(gdef.HANDLE): """Describe a resource allocated or reserved by a device instance. This class is a base class, all resources returned by :class:`LogicalConfiguration` should be one of the following: * :class:`ResourceNoType` * :class:`MemoryResource` * :class:`IoResource` * :class:`DmaResource` * :class:`IrqResource` * :class:`BusNumberResource` * :class:`MemLargeResource` * :class:`ClassSpecificResource` * :class:`DevicePrivateResource` * :class:`MfCardConfigResource` * :class:`PcCardConfigResource` """ SUBCLASSES = {} def __init__(self, handle, type): super(ResourceDescriptor, self).__init__(handle) self.type = ResType_Mapper[type] @classmethod def from_handle_and_type(cls, handle, type): ecls = cls.SUBCLASSES[type] return ecls(handle, type) @property def rawdata(self): """The raw data describing the resource""" data_size = gdef.ULONG() winproxy.CM_Get_Res_Des_Data_Size(data_size, self) if not self: return None data_size = data_size.value buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(data_size) winproxy.CM_Get_Res_Des_Data(self, buffer, data_size) return bytearray(buffer[:data_size]) def __repr__(self): return "<{0} type={1!r}>".format(type(self).__name__, self.type)
class ResourceDescriptorWithHeader(ResourceDescriptor): # Assert the header is the first field @property def header_type(self): # Type of first field return self.DATA_TYPE._fields_[0][1] @property def header(self): return self.header_type.from_buffer(self.rawdata) @property def data(self): return None class ResourceDescriptorWithHeaderAndRanges(ResourceDescriptorWithHeader): def count_field_name(self): # Assert (manyally checked) that the first field of the # header is a field containing the size of the data array # Return name of the first field of the header return self.header_type._fields_[0][0] @property def data(self): count_field_name = self.count_field_name() count = getattr(self.header, count_field_name) # No entry: if not count: return [] raise NotImplementedError("Resource descriptor with non-zero entry in range array")
[docs]class ResourceNoType(ResourceDescriptor): @property def data(self): return self.rawdata
[docs]class MemoryResource(ResourceDescriptorWithHeaderAndRanges): """A resource of type MEM_RESOURCE""" DATA_TYPE = gdef.MEM_RESOURCE def __str__(self): return "<{0} : [{1:#016x}-{2:#016x}]>".format(type(self).__name__, self.header.MD_Alloc_Base, self.header.MD_Alloc_End)
[docs]class IoResource(ResourceDescriptorWithHeaderAndRanges): """A resource of type IO_RESOURCE""" DATA_TYPE = gdef.IO_RESOURCE def __str__(self): return "<{0} : [{1:#016x}-{2:#016x}]>".format(type(self).__name__, self.header.IOD_Alloc_Base, self.header.IOD_Alloc_End)
[docs]class DmaResource(ResourceDescriptorWithHeaderAndRanges): """A resource of type DMA_RESOURCE""" DATA_TYPE = gdef.DMA_RESOURCE def __str__(self): return "<{0} : [{1:#016x}]>".format(type(self).__name__, self.header.DD_Alloc_Chan)
[docs]class IrqResource(ResourceDescriptorWithHeaderAndRanges): """A resource of type IRQ_RESOURCE""" # 32/64 based on current process bitness # Cross bitness cannot be implemented as >=Win8 block it DATA_TYPE = gdef.IRQ_RESOURCE def __str__(self): return "<{0} : [{1:#016x}]>".format(type(self).__name__, self.header.IRQD_Alloc_Num)
[docs]class BusNumberResource(ResourceDescriptorWithHeaderAndRanges): """A resource of type BUSNUMBER_RESOURCE""" DATA_TYPE = gdef.BUSNUMBER_RESOURCE def __str__(self): return "<{0} : [{1:#016x}-{2:#016x}]>".format(type(self).__name__, self.header.BUSD_Alloc_Base, self.header.BUSD_Alloc_End)
[docs]class MemLargeResource(ResourceDescriptor): """A resource of type MEM_LARGE_RESOURCE""" DATA_TYPE = gdef.MEM_LARGE_RESOURCE def __str__(self): return "<{0} : [{1:#016x}-{2:#016x}]>".format(type(self).__name__, self.header.MLD_Alloc_Base, self.header.MLD_Alloc_End)
[docs]class ClassSpecificResource(ResourceDescriptorWithHeader): """A resource of type CS_RESOURCE""" DATA_TYPE = gdef.CS_RESOURCE
# Any idea for __str__ ?
[docs]class DevicePrivateResource(ResourceDescriptor): """A device private resource ( """ @property def header(self): return None
# Any idea for __str__ ?
[docs]class MfCardConfigResource(ResourceDescriptorWithHeader): """A resource of type MFCARD_RESOURCE""" DATA_TYPE = gdef.MFCARD_RESOURCE
# Any idea for __str__ ?
[docs]class PcCardConfigResource(ResourceDescriptorWithHeader): """A resource of type PCCARD_RESOURCE""" DATA_TYPE = gdef.PCCARD_RESOURCE
# Any idea for __str__ ? # Flemme de faire une meta-classe pour ca.. ResourceDescriptor.SUBCLASSES.update({ gdef.ResType_None: ResourceNoType, gdef.ResType_Mem: MemoryResource, gdef.ResType_IO: IoResource, gdef.ResType_DMA: DmaResource, gdef.ResType_IRQ: IrqResource, gdef.ResType_BusNumber: BusNumberResource, gdef.ResType_MemLarge: MemLargeResource, gdef.ResType_ClassSpecific: ClassSpecificResource, gdef.ResType_DevicePrivate: DevicePrivateResource, gdef.ResType_MfCardConfig: MfCardConfigResource, gdef.ResType_PcCardConfig: PcCardConfigResource, })