Internals ========= Because some horrible hacks of ``PythonForWindows`` are hidden and I wanted to talk about it. ''''''''''''''' .. module:: windows.remotectypes Performing parsing of PEB / PE in remote process may be painful and i didn't want to have two versions of all my parsing code. So I made a wrapper around :mod:`ctypes` that is able to do two things: - Transform a 32bits ctypes structure into a 64bits one and reverse This is done by replacing the ``c_void_p``/``c_char_p`` by ``DWORD`` or ``QWORD`` and rewriting a wrapper around the :mod:`ctypes` ``POINTER`` and other stuff. It might not works for every structure by i didn't have any problem for now. - Read the memory in another process For this one I rewrote a class that use the standard :mod:`ctypes` structure offset-size calculation, extracts those information when asked for a field and read it from the target process. We just need to take care of special cases: ``POINTER`` / ``ARRAY`` / ``STRING`` / .. We also need to be carreful about the inheritance, we need to inherit from "hidden" :class:`ctypes` classes to keep the magic working. This module exports the following API: .. autofunction:: transform_type_to_remote32bits .. autofunction:: transform_type_to_remote64bits Both functions return a class that represent the structure in a remote process. The class.__init__ accept two arguments: * ``base_addr``: the address of the object in the remote process * ``target``: an object with a method ``read_memory`` (so a :class:`windows.winobject.WinProcess` in our case) Example ``WinProcess.peb``:: def peb(self): if windows.current_process.bitness == 32 and self.bitness == 64: return RemotePEB64(self.peb_addr, self) if windows.current_process.bitness == 64 and self.bitness == 32: return RemotePEB32(self.peb_addr, self) return RemotePEB(self.peb_addr, self) I am pretty sure that this code does NOT handle all the cases, so it might break some day. -- Crossing the heaven gate ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' .. module:: windows.syswow64 One of my goal with ``PythonForWindows`` is to have some abstraction of the bitness of the processes. It means being able to work on a ``32bits Python`` or a ``64bits Python``. In the case of a 32bits python on a ``64bits`` system (``SysWow64``) it's not trivial to perform operation on other ``64bits`` processes. For example directly calling :func:`CreateRemoteThread` will not work. To be able to perform those operation we must be able to execute code in the ``64bits`` part of our ``SysWow64`` process. .. note:: See `Knockin’ on Heaven’s Gate – Dynamic Processor Mode Switching `_ For that we need to jump to the 64bits segment of our process, execute some code then return. To do so, we need to use some ``far jump`` / ``far ret`` with the segments selector ``0x23`` (CS_32bits) and ``0x33`` (CS_64bits). The generation of this is quite ugly in my case. This code is in: .. function:: execute_64bits_code_from_syswow Once we are able to execute some code in the ``64bits`` part we need to create the code that will call our API (in NTDLL). To do that, I rely on the type information already present in the function of :mod:`windows.winproxy`. With these information we are able to know * The name of the API * The number of arguments Then I generate the correct x64 stub (using :mod:`windows.native_exec.simple_x64`) with the function: .. function:: generate_syswow64_call One problem I encountered is that our function must be able to pass values of 64bits, so passing arguments by register is not possible. For now I allocate a buffer where a python wrapper copy the parameters and the x64 stub retrieves them from here. (It might be possible to do something by creating a WINCFUNC with only ULONG64 parameters). .. function:: try_generate_stub_target The final result is a ``Python`` function like the one in :mod:`windows.winproxy` * It copies the arguments in the buffer * Jumps on the 32->64 stub * X64 bits code retrieves the arguments in the buffer and setup the registers and the stack for the call * Calls the API * Returns to 32bits mode. .. class:: Syswow64ApiProxy Existing function are: .. function:: NtCreateThreadEx_32_to_64 .. function:: NtQueryInformationProcess_32_to_64 .. function:: NtQueryInformationThread_32_to_64 .. function:: NtQueryVirtualMemory_32_to_64 .. function:: NtGetContextThread_32_to_64 .. function:: NtSetContextThread_32_to_64 .. function:: LdrLoadDll_32_to_64