The ``windows`` module ********************** The ``windows`` module is the module installed by :file:``. This module exports some objects representing the current state of the system. It also offers some submodules aimed to help the interfacing with ``Windows`` and native code execution. The defaults objects accessible in ``windows`` are: * ``system`` of type :class:`windows.winobject.system.System` * ``current_process`` of type :class:`windows.winobject.process.CurrentProcess` * ``current_thread`` of type :class:`windows.winobject.process.CurrentThread` The submodules that you might use by themself are: * :mod:`windows.generated_def` * :mod:`windows.native_exec` * :mod:`windows.winproxy` * :mod:`` * :mod:`windows.wintrust` * :mod:`windows.crypto` * :mod:`windows.utils` * :mod:`windows.debug` * :mod:`windows.alpc` * :mod:`windows.pipe` * :mod:`windows.rpc` * :mod:`` .. _object_system: The ``system`` object """"""""""""""""""""" .. note:: See sample :ref:`sample_system` .. currentmodule:: windows.winobject .. autoclass:: windows.winobject.system.System :no-show-inheritance: