from os import urandom
from windows import winproxy
from windows.crypto import DEFAULT_ENCODING
from windows.generated_def import *
__all__ = ["encrypt", "decrypt"]
def encode_init_vector(data):
blob = CRYPT_DATA_BLOB.from_string(data)
size = DWORD()
buf = None
winproxy.CryptEncodeObjectEx(DEFAULT_ENCODING, X509_OCTET_STRING, ctypes.byref(blob), 0, None, buf, size)
buf = (BYTE * size.value)()
winproxy.CryptEncodeObjectEx(DEFAULT_ENCODING, X509_OCTET_STRING, ctypes.byref(blob), 0, None, buf, size)
return buf[:]
class GenerateInitVector(object):
def __repr__(self):
return "GenerateInitVector()"
def generate_init_vector(self, algo):
if algo in [szOID_OIWSEC_desCBC, szOID_RSA_DES_EDE3_CBC]:
return urandom(8)
if algo in [szOID_NIST_AES128_CBC, szOID_NIST_AES192_CBC, szOID_NIST_AES256_CBC]:
return urandom(16)
return None
geninitvector = GenerateInitVector()
def encrypt(cert_or_certlist, msg, algo=szOID_NIST_AES256_CBC, initvector=geninitvector):
"""Encrypt ``msg`` one or many :class:`Certificate` using ``algo`` with the initial
vector ``initvector``.
If ``geninitvector`` is left as it is, it will generate a random one.
Algorithms supported by ``GenerateInitVector`` are:
* ``szOID_OIWSEC_desCBC``
* ``szOID_NIST_AES128_CBC``
* ``szOID_NIST_AES192_CBC``
* ``szOID_NIST_AES256_CBC``
:param cert_or_certlist: One or many :class:`Certificate` used to encrypt the msg
:type cert_or_certlist: :class:`Certificate` | [:class:`Certificate`]
:return: :class:`bytearray`: The encrypted message
alg_ident.pszObjId = algo.encode("ascii")
# We want to have automatique translation of Certificate -> PCERT_CONTEXT
# In order to simple create the 'PCERT_CONTEXT[] certs'
# For that we need a tuple of X * 1-item-tuple
# as a (cert,) will be automaticly translatable to a PCERT_CONTEXT
if isinstance(cert_or_certlist, CERT_CONTEXT):
certlist = ((cert_or_certlist,),)
certlist = tuple((c,) for c in cert_or_certlist)
# Set (compute if needed) the IV
if initvector is None:
alg_ident.Parameters.cbData = 0
elif initvector is geninitvector:
initvector = initvector.generate_init_vector(algo)
if initvector is None:
raise ValueError("I don't know how to generate an <initvector> for <{0}> please provide one (or None)".format(algo))
initvector_encoded = encode_init_vector(initvector)
alg_ident.Parameters = CRYPT_DATA_BLOB.from_string(initvector_encoded)
initvector_encoded = encode_init_vector(initvector)
alg_ident.Parameters = CRYPT_DATA_BLOB.from_string(initvector_encoded)
# Setup encryption parameters
param.cbSize = ctypes.sizeof(param)
param.dwMsgEncodingType = DEFAULT_ENCODING
param.hCryptProv = None
param.ContentEncryptionAlgorithm = alg_ident
param.pvEncryptionAuxInfo = None
param.dwFlags = 0
param.dwInnerContentType = 0
certs = (PCERT_CONTEXT * len(certlist))(*certlist)
#Ask the output buffer size
size = DWORD()
winproxy.CryptEncryptMessage(param, len(certs), certs, msg, len(msg), None, size)
#Encrypt the msg
buf = (BYTE * size.value)()
winproxy.CryptEncryptMessage(param, len(certs), certs, msg, len(msg), buf, size)
return bytearray(buf[:size.value])
def decrypt(cert_store, encrypted):
"""Try to decrypt the ``encrypted`` msg with any certificate in ``cert_store``.
If there is no certificate able to decrypt the message ``WinproxyError(winerror=0x8009200c)`` is raised.
:param cert_store:
:type cert_store: :class:`CertificateStore`
:return: :class:`str`: The decrypted message
# Setup decryption parameters
dparam.cbSize = ctypes.sizeof(dparam)
dparam.dwMsgAndCertEncodingType = DEFAULT_ENCODING
dparam.cCertStore = 1
dparam.rghCertStore = (cert_store,)
dparam.dwFlags = 0
#Ask the output buffer size
buf = (BYTE * len(encrypted)).from_buffer_copy(encrypted)
dcryptsize = DWORD()
winproxy.CryptDecryptMessage(dparam, buf, ctypes.sizeof(buf), None, dcryptsize, None)
#Decrypt the msg
dcryptbuff = (BYTE * (dcryptsize.value + 0x1000))()
winproxy.CryptDecryptMessage(dparam, buf, ctypes.sizeof(buf), dcryptbuff, dcryptsize, None)
return bytes(bytearray(dcryptbuff[:dcryptsize.value]))