Source code for windows.rpc.ndr

import sys

import windows
import windows.generated_def as gdef

import struct

    unichr # Py2/Py3 compat
except NameError:
    unichr = chr


## Array
# A conformant array is an array in which the maximum number of elements is not known beforehand and therefore is included in the representation of the array.
# A varying array is an array in which the actual number of elements passed in a given call varies and therefore is included in the representation of the array.

## Pointers

# NDR defines two classes of pointers that differ both in semantics and in representation
# - reference pointers, which cannot be null and cannot be aliases
# - full pointers, which can be null and can be an aliases
# - unique pointers, which can be null and cannot be aliases, and are transmitted as full pointers.

def pack_dword(x):
     return struct.pack("<I", x)

def dword_pad(s):
    if (len(s) % 4) == 0:
        return s
    return s + (b"P" * (4 - len(s) % 4))

[docs] class NdrUniquePTR(object): """Create a UNIQUE PTR around a given Ndr type""" def __init__(self, subcls): self.subcls = subcls def pack(self, data): subpack = self.subcls.pack(data) if subpack is None: return pack_dword(0) return pack_dword(0x02020202) + subpack def unpack(self, stream): ptr = NdrLong.unpack(stream) if not ptr: return None return self.subcls.unpack(stream) def pack_in_struct(self, data, id): if data is None: return pack_dword(0), None subpack = self.subcls.pack(data) if subpack is None: return pack_dword(0), None return pack_dword(0x01010101 * (id + 1)), subpack def unpack_in_struct(self, stream): ptr = NdrLong.unpack(stream) if not ptr: return 0, NdrUnpackNone return ptr, self.subcls def parse(self, stream): data = stream.partial_unpack("<I") if data[0] == 0: return None return self.subcls.parse(stream) def get_alignment(self): # 14.3.2 Alignment of Constructed Types # Pointer alignment is always modulo 4. return 4
class NdrUnpackNone(object): @classmethod def unpack(cls, stream): return None class NdrRef(object): # TESTING def __init__(self, subcls): self.subcls = subcls def unpack(self, stream): ptr = NdrLong.unpack(stream) if not ptr: raise ValueError("Ndr REF cannot be NULL") return self.subcls.unpack(stream) class NdrFixedArray(object): def __init__(self, subcls, size): self.subcls = subcls self.size = size def pack(self, data): data = list(data) assert len(data) == self.size return dword_pad(b"".join([self.subcls.pack(elt) for elt in data])) def unpack(self, stream): return [self.subcls.unpack(stream) for i in range(self.size)] def get_alignment(self): return self.subcls.get_alignment()
[docs] class NdrSID(object):
[docs] @classmethod def pack(cls, psid): """Pack a PSID :param PSID psid: """ subcount = windows.winproxy.GetSidSubAuthorityCount(psid) size = windows.winproxy.GetLengthSid(psid) sid_data = windows.current_process.read_memory(psid.value, size) return pack_dword(subcount[0]) + dword_pad(sid_data)
[docs] @classmethod def unpack(cls, stream): """Unpack a PSID, partial implementation that returns a :class:`str` and not a PSID""" subcount = NdrLong.unpack(stream) return + (subcount * 4))
@classmethod def get_alignment(self): # Not sur, but it seems to contain an array of long return 4
class NdrVaryingCString(object): @classmethod def pack(cls, data): """Pack string ``data``. append ``\\x00`` if not present at the end of the string""" if data is None: return None if not data.endswith('\x00'): data += '\x00' l = len(data) result = struct.pack("<2I", 0, l) result += data return dword_pad(result) @classmethod def get_alignment(self): # Not sur, but size is on 4 bytes so... return 4
[docs] class NdrWString(object):
[docs] @classmethod def pack(cls, data): """Pack string ``data``. append ``\\x00`` if not present at the end of the string""" if data is None: return None if not data.endswith('\x00'): data += '\x00' data = data.encode("utf-16-le") l = (len(data) // 2) result = struct.pack("<3I", l, 0, l) result += data return dword_pad(result)
@classmethod def unpack(cls, stream): stream.align(4) size1, zero, size2 = stream.partial_unpack("<3I") assert size1 == size2 assert zero == 0 s = * 2) return s.decode("utf-16-le") @classmethod def get_alignment(self): # Not sur, but size is on 4 bytes so... return 4
[docs] class NdrCString(object):
[docs] @classmethod def pack(cls, data): """Pack string ``data``. append ``\\x00`` if not present at the end of the string""" if data is None: return None if not data.endswith('\x00'): data += '\x00' l = len(data) result = struct.pack("<3I", l, 0, l) result += data return dword_pad(result)
@classmethod def get_alignment(self): # Not sur, but size is on 4 bytes so... return 4
# @classmethod # def unpack(self, stream): # maxcount, offset, count = stream.partial_unpack("<3I") # return maxcount, offset, count NdrUniqueCString = NdrUniquePTR(NdrCString) NdrUniqueWString = NdrUniquePTR(NdrWString)
[docs] class NdrLong(object): @classmethod def pack(cls, data): return struct.pack("<I", data) @classmethod def unpack(self, stream): stream.align(4) return stream.partial_unpack("<I")[0] @classmethod def get_alignment(self): return 4
[docs] class NdrHyper(object): @classmethod def pack(cls, data): return struct.pack("<Q", data) @classmethod def unpack(self, stream): stream.align(8) return stream.partial_unpack("<Q")[0] @classmethod def get_alignment(self): return 8
[docs] class NdrShort(object): @classmethod def pack(cls, data): return struct.pack("<H", data) @classmethod def unpack(self, stream): return stream.partial_unpack("<H")[0] @classmethod def get_alignment(self): return 2
[docs] class NdrByte(object): @classmethod def pack(self, data): return struct.pack("<B", data) @classmethod def unpack(self, stream): return stream.partial_unpack("<B")[0] @classmethod def get_alignment(self): return 1
class NdrGuid(object): @classmethod def pack(cls, data): if not isinstance(data, gdef.IID): data = gdef.IID.from_string(data) return bytes(bytearray(data)) @classmethod def unpack(self, stream): rawguid = stream.partial_unpack("16s")[0] return gdef.IID.from_buffer_copy(rawguid) @classmethod def get_alignment(self): return 1 class NdrContextHandle(object): @classmethod def pack(cls, data): if not isinstance(data, gdef.IID): data = gdef.IID.from_string(data) return bytes(struct.pack("<I", 0) + bytearray(data)) @classmethod def unpack(self, stream): attributes, rawguid = stream.partial_unpack("<I16s") return gdef.IID.from_buffer_copy(rawguid) @classmethod def get_alignment(self): return 4
[docs] class NdrStructure(object): """a NDR structure that tries to respect the rules of pointer packing, this class should be subclassed with an attribute ``MEMBERS`` describing the members of the class """
[docs] @classmethod def pack(cls, data): """Pack data into the struct, ``data`` size must equals the number of members in the structure""" if not (len(data) == len(cls.MEMBERS)): print("Size mistach:") print(" * data size = {0}".format(len(data))) print(" * members size = {0}".format(len(cls.MEMBERS))) print(" * data {0}".format(data)) print(" * members = {0}".format(cls.MEMBERS)) raise ValueError("NdrStructure packing number elements mismatch: structure has <{0}> members got <{1}>".format(len(cls.MEMBERS), len(data))) conformant_size = [] res = [] res_size = 0 pointed = [] outstream = NdrWriteStream() pointed_to_pack = [] # pointedoutstream = NdrWriteStream() for i, (member, memberdata) in enumerate(zip(cls.MEMBERS, data)): if hasattr(member, "pack_in_struct"): x, y = member.pack_in_struct(memberdata, i) assert len(x) == 4, "Pointer should be size 4" # Write the pointer outstream.align(4) outstream.write(x) if y is not None: # Store the info to the pointed to pack pointed_to_pack.append((member.subcls.get_alignment(), y)) # pointedoutstream.write(y) elif hasattr(member, "pack_conformant"): size, data = member.pack_conformant(memberdata) outstream.align(member.get_alignment()) outstream.write(data) conformant_size.append(size) # res.append(data) # res_size += len(data) else: packed_member = member.pack(memberdata) outstream.align(member.get_alignment()) outstream.write(packed_member) # Pack the pointed to the stream for alignement, pointed_data in pointed_to_pack: outstream.align(alignement) outstream.write(pointed_data) return dword_pad(b"".join(conformant_size)) + outstream.get_data()
[docs] @classmethod def unpack(cls, stream): """Unpack the structure from the stream""" conformant_members = [hasattr(m, "pack_conformant") for m in cls.MEMBERS] is_conformant = any(conformant_members) assert(conformant_members.count(True) <= 1), "Unpack conformant struct with more that one conformant MEMBER not implem" data = [] if is_conformant: conformant_size = NdrLong.unpack(stream) post_subcls = [] for i, member in enumerate(cls.MEMBERS): if conformant_members[i]: data.append(member.unpack_conformant(stream, conformant_size)) else: if hasattr(member, "unpack_in_struct"): # print("[{0}] Dereferenced unpacking".format(i)) ptr, subcls = member.unpack_in_struct(stream) if not ptr: data.append(None) else: data.append(ptr) post_subcls.append((i, subcls)) # print(post_subcls) else: data.append(member.unpack(stream)) # print("Applying deref unpack") for i, entry in post_subcls: new_data = entry.unpack(stream) if getattr(entry, "post_unpack", None): new_data = entry.post_unpack(new_data) data[i] = new_data return cls.post_unpack(data)
@classmethod def post_unpack(cls, data): return data @classmethod def get_alignment(self): return max([x.get_alignment() for x in self.MEMBERS])
[docs] class NdrParameters(object): """a class to pack NDR parameters together to performs RPC call, this class should be subclassed with an attribute ``MEMBERS`` describing the members of the class """ @classmethod def pack(cls, data): if not (len(data) == len(cls.MEMBERS)): print("Size mistach:") print(" * data size = {0}".format(len(data))) print(" * members size = {0}".format(len(cls.MEMBERS))) print(" * data {0}".format(data)) print(" * members = {0}".format(cls.MEMBERS)) raise ValueError("NdrParameters packing number elements mismatch: structure has <{0}> members got <{1}>".format(len(cls.MEMBERS), len(data))) outstream = NdrWriteStream() for (member, memberdata) in zip(cls.MEMBERS, data): alignment = member.get_alignment() outstream.align(alignment) packed_member = member.pack(memberdata) outstream.write(packed_member) return outstream.get_data() @classmethod def unpack(cls, stream): res = [] for member in cls.MEMBERS: unpacked_member = member.unpack(stream) res.append(unpacked_member) return res def get_alignment(self): raise ValueError("NdrParameters should always be top type in NDR description")
[docs] class NdrConformantArray(object): MEMBER_TYPE = None @classmethod def pack(cls, data): ndrsize = NdrLong.pack(len(data)) return dword_pad(ndrsize + b"".join([cls.MEMBER_TYPE.pack(memberdata) for memberdata in data])) @classmethod def pack_conformant(cls, data): ndrsize = NdrLong.pack(len(data)) ndrdata = dword_pad(b"".join([cls.MEMBER_TYPE.pack(memberdata) for memberdata in data])) return ndrsize, ndrdata @classmethod def unpack(cls, stream): nbelt = NdrLong.unpack(stream) result = cls.unpack_conformant(stream, nbelt) return cls._post_unpack(result) @classmethod def _post_unpack(cls, result): return result @classmethod def unpack_conformant(cls, stream, size): res = [cls.MEMBER_TYPE.unpack(stream) for i in range(size)] stream.align(4) return res @classmethod def get_alignment(self): # TODO: test on array of Hyper return max(4, self.MEMBER_TYPE.get_alignment())
[docs] class NdrConformantVaryingArrays(object): MEMBER_TYPE = None @classmethod def pack(cls, data): ndrsize = NdrLong.pack(len(data)) offset = NdrLong.pack(0) return dword_pad(ndrsize + offset + ndrsize + b"".join([cls.MEMBER_TYPE.pack(memberdata) for memberdata in data])) @classmethod def unpack(cls, stream): maxcount = NdrLong.unpack(stream) offset = NdrLong.unpack(stream) count = NdrLong.unpack(stream) assert(offset == 0) # assert(maxcount == count) result = [] post_subcls = [] for i in range(count): member = cls.MEMBER_TYPE if hasattr(member, "unpack_in_struct"): ptr, subcls = member.unpack_in_struct(stream) if not ptr: result.append(None) else: result.append(ptr) post_subcls.append((i, subcls)) else: data = member.unpack(stream) result.append(data) # Unpack pointers for i, entry in post_subcls: data = entry.unpack(stream) result[i] = data return cls._post_unpack(result) @classmethod def _post_unpack(cls, result): return result @classmethod def get_alignment(cls): # TODO: test on array of Hyper return max(4, cls.MEMBER_TYPE.get_alignment())
class NdrWcharConformantVaryingArrays(NdrConformantVaryingArrays): MEMBER_TYPE = NdrShort @classmethod def _post_unpack(self, result): return u"".join(unichr(c) for c in result) class NdrCharConformantVaryingArrays(NdrConformantVaryingArrays): MEMBER_TYPE = NdrByte class NdrHyperConformantVaryingArrays(NdrConformantVaryingArrays): MEMBER_TYPE = NdrHyper class NdrHyperConformantArray(NdrConformantArray): MEMBER_TYPE = NdrHyper
[docs] class NdrLongConformantArray(NdrConformantArray): MEMBER_TYPE = NdrLong
class NdrShortConformantArray(NdrConformantArray): MEMBER_TYPE = NdrShort
[docs] class NdrByteConformantArray(NdrConformantArray): MEMBER_TYPE = NdrByte @classmethod def _post_unpack(self, result): return bytearray(result)
class NdrWcharConformantArray(NdrConformantArray): MEMBER_TYPE = NdrShort @classmethod def _post_unpack(self, result): return bytearray(result) class NdrGuidConformantArray(NdrConformantArray): MEMBER_TYPE = NdrGuid
[docs] class NdrStream(object): """A stream of bytes used for NDR unpacking""" def __init__(self, data): self.fulldata = data = data # = memoryview(data) # FAST but need some code rewrite at some places def partial_unpack(self, format): size = struct.calcsize(format) toparse =[:size] =[size:] return struct.unpack(format, toparse) def read_aligned_dword(self, size): aligned_size = size if size % 4: aligned_size = size + (4 - (size % 4)) retdata =[:size] =[aligned_size:] return retdata def read(self, size): data =[:size] =[size:] if len(data) < size: raise ValueError("Could not read {0} from stream".format(size)) return data
[docs] def align(self, size): """Discard some bytes to align the remaining stream on ``size``""" already_read = len(self.fulldata) - len( if already_read % size: # Realign size_to_align = (size - (already_read % size)) =[size_to_align:] # print("align {0}: {1}".format(size, size_to_align)) return size_to_align # print("align {0}: 0".format(size)) return 0
class NdrWriteStream(object): def __init__(self): self.data_parts = [] self.data_size = 0 def get_data(self): data = b"".join(bytes(x) for x in self.data_parts) assert len(data) == self.data_size return data def write(self, data): self.data_parts.append(data) self.data_size += len(data) return None def align(self, alignement): if self.data_size % alignement == 0: return topadsize = (alignement) - (self.data_size % alignement) self.write(b"P" * topadsize) return def make_parameters(types, name=None): class NdrCustomParameters(NdrParameters): MEMBERS = types return NdrCustomParameters def make_structure(types, name=None): class NdrCustomStructure(NdrStructure): MEMBERS = types return NdrCustomStructure