"""utils fonctions non windows-related"""
import sys
import ctypes
import _ctypes
import windows.generated_def as gdef
from windows import winproxy
from windows.dbgprint import dbgprint
from windows.pycompat import basestring
def fixedpropety(f):
cache_name = "_" + f.__name__
def prop(self):
return getattr(self, cache_name)
except AttributeError:
setattr(self, cache_name, f(self))
return getattr(self, cache_name)
return property(prop, doc=f.__doc__)
# Slow fix of the typo :)
fixedproperty = fixedpropety
# type replacement based on name
def transform_ctypes_fields(struct, replacement):
return [(name, replacement.get(name, type)) for name, type in struct._fields_]
def print_ctypes_struct(struct, name="", hexa=False):
sprint_method = getattr(struct, "__sprint__", None)
if sprint_method is not None:
# Allow function to accept 'hexa' param
# But handle function that don't, So we can just do:
# __sprint__ = __repr__
print("{0} -> {1}".format(name, sprint_method()))
if isinstance(struct, _ctypes._Pointer):
if ctypes.cast(struct, ctypes.c_void_p).value is None:
print("{0} -> NULL".format(name))
return print_ctypes_struct(struct[0], name + "<deref>", hexa=hexa)
if not hasattr(struct, "_fields_"):
value = struct
if hasattr(struct, "value"):
value = struct.value
if isinstance(value, basestring):
value = repr(value)
if hexa and not isinstance(value, gdef.Flag):
print("{0} -> {1}".format(name, hex(value)))
except TypeError:
print("{0} -> {1}".format(name, value))
for field in struct._fields_:
if len(field) == 2:
fname, ftype = field
nb_bits = None
elif len(field) == 3:
fname, ftype, nb_bits = field
raise ValueError("Unknown ctypes field entry format <{0}>".format(field))
value = getattr(struct, fname)
except Exception as e:
print("Error while printing <{0}> : {1}".format(fname, e))
print_ctypes_struct(value, "{0}.{1}".format(name, fname), hexa=hexa)
def sprint(struct, name="struct", hexa=True):
"""Print recursively the content of a :mod:`ctypes` structure"""
return print_ctypes_struct(struct, name=name, hexa=hexa)
class AutoHandle(object):
"""An abstract class that allow easy handle creation/destruction/wait"""
# Big bypass to prevent missing reference at programm exit..
_close_function = ctypes.WinDLL("kernel32").CloseHandle
def _get_handle(self):
raise NotImplementedError("{0} is abstract".format(type(self).__name__))
def handle(self):
"""An handle on the object
:type: HANDLE
.. note::
The handle is automaticaly closed when the object is destroyed
if hasattr(self, "_handle"):
return self._handle
self._handle = self._get_handle()
dbgprint("Open handle {0} for {1}".format(hex(self._handle), self), "HANDLE")
return self._handle
def wait(self, timeout=gdef.INFINITE):
"""Wait for the object"""
return winproxy.WaitForSingleObject(self.handle, timeout)
def __del__(self):
# sys.path is not None -> check if python shutdown
if hasattr(sys, "path") and sys.path is not None and hasattr(self, "_handle") and self._handle:
# Prevent some bug where dbgprint might be None when __del__ is called in a closing process
dbgprint("Closing Handle {0} for {1}".format(hex(self._handle), self), "HANDLE") if dbgprint is not None else None