import sys
import ctypes
import os
import copy
import time
import struct
import itertools
from contextlib import contextmanager
from collections import namedtuple
import windows
import windows.native_exec.simple_x86 as x86
import windows.native_exec.simple_x64 as x64
import windows.remotectypes as rctypes
import windows.generated_def as gdef
from windows import injection
from windows import native_exec
from windows import pe_parse
from windows import winproxy
from windows import utils
from windows.dbgprint import dbgprint
from windows.generated_def.winstructs import *
from windows.generated_def.ntstatus import NtStatusException
from windows.winobject import exception
from windows.winobject import apisetmap
from windows.winobject import token
from windows import security
from windows.pycompat import raw_encode, raw_decode, basestring, urepr_encode
TimeInfo = namedtuple("TimeInfo", ["creation", "exit", "kernel", "user"])
"""Time information about a process"""
class DeadThread(utils.AutoHandle):
"""An already dead thread (returned only by API returning a new thread if thread die before being returned)"""
def __init__(self, handle, tid=None):
if tid is None:
tid = WinThread._get_thread_id(handle)
self.tid = tid
# set AutoHandle _handle
self._handle = handle
def is_exit(self):
"""``True`` if the thread is terminated
:type: :class:`bool`
return self.exit_code != STILL_ACTIVE
def exit_code(self):
"""The exit code of the thread : ``STILL_ACTIVE`` means the process is not dead
:type: :class:`int`
res = DWORD()
winproxy.GetExitCodeThread(self.handle, byref(res))
return res.value
class Process(utils.AutoHandle):
def is_wow_64(self):
"""``True`` if the process is a SysWow64 process (32bit process on 64bits system).
:type: :class:`bool`
# return utils.is_wow_64(self.handle)
return utils.is_wow_64(self.limited_handle)
def bitness(self):
"""The bitness of the process
:returns: :class:`int` -- 32 or 64
if windows.system.bitness == 32:
return 32
if self.is_wow_64:
return 32
return 64
def limited_handle(self):
if windows.system.version[0] <= 5:
# Windows XP | Serveur 2003
return winproxy.OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION,
def ppid(self):
"""Parent Process ID
:type: :class:`int`
if windows.current_process.bitness == 32 and self.bitness == 64:
xtype = windows.remotectypes.transform_type_to_remote64bits(PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION)
# Fuck-it <3
data = (ctypes.c_char * ctypes.sizeof(xtype))()
windows.syswow64.NtQueryInformationProcess_32_to_64(self.limited_handle, ProcessInformation=data, ProcessInformationLength=ctypes.sizeof(xtype))
# Map a remote64bits(PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION) at the address of 'data'
x = xtype(ctypes.addressof(data), windows.current_process)
information_type = 0
winproxy.NtQueryInformationProcess(self.limited_handle, information_type, x)
return x.InheritedFromUniqueProcessId
def threads(self):
"""The threads of the process
:type: [:class:`WinThread`] -- A list of Thread
owner_pid =
return [WinThread._from_THREADENTRY32(th, owner=self) for th in windows.system.enumerate_threads_generator() if th.th32OwnerProcessID == owner_pid]
def virtual_alloc(self, size):
raise NotImplementedError("virtual_alloc")
def virtual_free(self):
raise NotImplementedError("virtual_free")
def exit_code(self):
"""The exit code of the process : ``STILL_ACTIVE`` means the process is not dead
:type: :class:`int`
res = DWORD()
winproxy.GetExitCodeProcess(self.handle, byref(res))
return res.value
def is_exit(self):
"""``True`` if the process is terminated
:type: :class:`bool`
return self.exit_code != STILL_ACTIVE
def allocated_memory(self, size, prot=PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE):
"""ContextManager to allocate memory and free it
:type: :class:`int` -- the address of the allocated memory
addr = self.virtual_alloc(size, prot=prot)
yield addr
winproxy.VirtualFreeEx(self.handle, addr)
def virtual_protected(self, addr, size, protect):
"""A context manager for local virtual_protect (old Protection are restored at exit)"""
old_protect = DWORD()
self.virtual_protect(addr, size, protect, old_protect)
yield addr
self.virtual_protect(addr, size, old_protect.value, old_protect)
def virtual_protect(self, addr, size, protect, old_protect=None):
"""Change the access right of one or more page of the process"""
if windows.current_process.bitness == 32 and self.bitness == 64:
if size & 0x0fff:
size = ((size >> 12) + 1) << 12
if old_protect is None:
old_protect = gdef.DWORD()
xold_protect = ctypes.addressof(old_protect)
xaddr = ULONG64(addr)
addr = ctypes.addressof(xaddr)
xsize = ULONG(size)
size = ctypes.addressof(xsize)
return windows.syswow64.NtProtectVirtualMemory_32_to_64(self.handle, addr, size, protect, xold_protect)
winproxy.VirtualProtectEx(self.handle, addr, size, protect, old_protect)
def execute(self, code, parameter=0):
"""Execute some native code in the context of the process
:return: The thread executing the code
:rtype: :class:`WinThread` or :class:`DeadThread`
x = self.virtual_alloc(len(code)) #Todo: free this ? when ? how ? reuse ?
self.write_memory(x, code)
return self.create_thread(x, parameter)
def query_memory(self, addr):
"""Query the memory informations about page at ``addr``
:rtype: :class:`~windows.generated_def.winstructs.MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION`
if windows.current_process.bitness == 32 and self.bitness == 64:
v = windows.syswow64.NtQueryVirtualMemory_32_to_64(ProcessHandle=self.handle, BaseAddress=addr, MemoryInformationClass=MemoryBasicInformation, MemoryInformation=res)
except NtStatusException as e:
if e.code & 0xffffffff == 0XC000000D:
raise winproxy.WinproxyError("NtQueryVirtualMemory_32_to_64")
return res
res = info_type[windows.current_process.bitness]()
ptr = ctypes.cast(byref(res), POINTER(MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION))
winproxy.VirtualQueryEx(self.handle, addr, ptr, sizeof(res))
return res
def memory_state(self):
"""Yield the memory information for the whole address space of the process
:yield: :class:`~windows.generated_def.winstructs.MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION`
addr = 0
res = []
while True:
x = self.query_memory(addr)
yield x
except winproxy.WinproxyError:
addr += x.RegionSize
def query_working_set(self):
if self.bitness == 64 or windows.current_process.bitness == 64:
windows.winproxy.QueryWorkingSet(self.handle, ctypes.byref(dummy), ctypes.sizeof(dummy))
except WindowsError as e:
if e.winerror != 24:
NumberOfEntriesType = [f for f in WSET_BLOCK._fields_ if f[0] == "Flags"][0][1]
for i in range(10):
# use the same type as WSET_BLOCK.Flags
_fields_ = [
("NumberOfEntries", NumberOfEntriesType),
("WorkingSetInfo", WSET_BLOCK * dummy.NumberOfEntries),
if windows.current_process.bitness == 32 and self.bitness == 64:
windows.syswow64.NtQueryVirtualMemory_32_to_64(self.handle, 0, MemoryWorkingSetList, res)
windows.winproxy.QueryWorkingSet(self.handle, ctypes.byref(res), ctypes.sizeof(res))
except WindowsError as e:
if e.winerror != 24:
dummy.NumberOfEntries = res.NumberOfEntries
except windows.generated_def.ntstatus.NtStatusException as e:
dummy.NumberOfEntries = res.NumberOfEntries
return res.WorkingSetInfo
# Raise ?
return None
def query_working_setex(self, addresses):
if self.bitness == 64 or windows.current_process.bitness == 64:
info_array = (info_type * len(addresses))()
for i, data in enumerate(info_array):
info_array[i].VirtualAddress = addresses[i]
if windows.current_process.bitness == 32 and self.bitness == 64:
windows.syswow64.NtQueryVirtualMemory_32_to_64(self.handle, 0, MemoryWorkingSetListEx, info_array)
winproxy.QueryWorkingSetEx(self.handle, ctypes.byref(info_array), ctypes.sizeof(info_array))
return info_array
def get_mapped_filename(self, addr):
"""The filename mapped at address ``addr`` or ``None``
:rtype: :class:`unicode` or ``None``
buffer_size = 0x1000
buffer = ctypes.c_buffer(buffer_size)
if windows.current_process.bitness == 32 and self.bitness == 64:
target_size = ctypes.c_buffer(buffer_size)
windows.syswow64.NtQueryVirtualMemory_32_to_64(self.handle, addr, MemorySectionName, buffer, buffer_size, target_size)
except NtStatusException as e:
return None
remote_winstring = rctypes.transform_type_to_remote64bits(gdef.LSA_UNICODE_STRING)
mapped_filename = remote_winstring(ctypes.addressof(buffer), windows.current_process)
return mapped_filename.str
size = winproxy.GetMappedFileNameW(self.handle, addr, buffer, buffer_size)
except winproxy.WinproxyError as e:
if e.winerror not in (gdef.ERROR_UNEXP_NET_ERR, gdef.ERROR_FILE_INVALID):
raise # Raise if error type is not expected: detect mapped aborted transaction
return None
return buffer[: size * 2].decode("utf16")
def read_byte(self, addr):
"""Read a ``CHAR`` at ``addr``"""
sizeof_char = sizeof(CHAR)
return struct.unpack("<B", self.read_memory(addr, sizeof_char))[0]
def read_short(self, addr):
"""Read a ``SHORT`` at ``addr``"""
sizeof_short = sizeof(ctypes.c_short)
return struct.unpack("<H", self.read_memory(addr, sizeof_short))[0]
def read_dword(self, addr):
"""Read a ``DWORD`` at ``addr``"""
sizeof_dword = sizeof(DWORD)
return struct.unpack("<I", self.read_memory(addr, sizeof_dword))[0]
def read_qword(self, addr):
"""Read a ``ULONG64`` at ``addr``"""
sizeof_qword = sizeof(ULONG64)
return struct.unpack("<Q", self.read_memory(addr, sizeof_qword))[0]
def read_ptr(self, addr):
"""Read a ``PTR`` at ``addr``"""
if self.bitness == 32:
return self.read_dword(addr)
return self.read_qword(addr)
def read_string(self, addr):
"""Read an ascii string at ``addr``"""
res = []
read_size = 0x100
readden = 0
for i in itertools.count():
x = self.read_memory(addr + readden, read_size)
except WindowsError as e:
if read_size == 2:
# handle read_wstring at end of page
# Of read failed: read only the half of size
# read_size must remain a multiple of 2
read_size = read_size // 2
readden += read_size
if b"\x00" in x:
res.append(x.split(b"\x00", 1)[0])
return b"".join(res).decode("ascii")
def read_wstring(self, addr):
"""Read a windows UTF16 string at ``addr``"""
res = []
read_size = 0x100
readden = 0
# I am trying to do something smart here..
while True:
x = self.read_memory(addr + readden, read_size)
except WindowsError as e:
if read_size == 2:
# handle read_wstring at end of page
# Of read failed: read only the half of size
# read_size must remain a multiple of 2
read_size = read_size // 2
readden += read_size
# Bytearray will work on py2 & py3
# Py2: bytearray((0, 0)) == b"\x00\x00"
# Py2: bytearray((0, 0)) == b"\x00\x00"
utf16_chars = [bytearray(c) for c in zip(*[iter(x)] * 2)]
if b"\x00\x00" in utf16_chars:
# Translate bytearray to str/bytes for both py2 & py3
res.extend(x[:utf16_chars.index(b"\x00\x00") * 2])
return bytearray(res).decode("utf-16")
def write_byte(self, addr, byte):
"""write a byte at ``addr``"""
return self.write_memory(addr, struct.pack("<B", byte))
def write_short(self, addr, word):
"""write a word at ``addr``"""
return self.write_memory(addr, struct.pack("<H", word))
def write_dword(self, addr, dword):
"""write a dword at ``addr``"""
return self.write_memory(addr, struct.pack("<I", dword))
def write_qword(self, addr, qword):
"""write a qword at ``addr``"""
return self.write_memory(addr, struct.pack("<Q", qword))
def write_ptr(self, addr, value):
"""Write a ``PTR`` at ``addr``"""
if self.bitness == 32:
return self.write_dword(addr, value)
return self.write_qword(addr, value)
def time_info(self):
"""The time information of the process (creation, kernel/user time, exit time)
:type: :class:`TimeInfo`"""
CreationTime = FILETIME()
ExitTime = FILETIME()
KernelTime = FILETIME()
UserTime = FILETIME()
winproxy.GetProcessTimes(self.limited_handle, CreationTime, ExitTime, KernelTime, UserTime)
creation = (CreationTime.dwHighDateTime << 32) + CreationTime.dwLowDateTime
exit = (ExitTime.dwHighDateTime << 32) + ExitTime.dwLowDateTime
kernel = (KernelTime.dwHighDateTime << 32) + KernelTime.dwLowDateTime
user = (UserTime.dwHighDateTime << 32) + UserTime.dwLowDateTime
return TimeInfo(creation, exit, kernel, user)
def memory_info(self):
result.cb = sizeof(gdef.PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS_EX)
cast_result = cast(pointer(result), gdef.PPROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS)
windows.winproxy.GetProcessMemoryInfo(self.limited_handle, cast_result, result.cb)
return result
def query_info(self, information_class, data=None):
winproxy.NtQueryInformationProcess(self.handle, information_class, byref(data), sizeof(data))
return data
def set_info(self, information_class, data):
winproxy.NtSetInformationProcess(self.handle, information_class, byref(data), sizeof(data))
def get_priority(self):
return self.PRIORITY_CLASS_MAPPER[winproxy.GetPriorityClass(self.handle)]
def set_priority(self, priority):
return winproxy.SetPriorityClass(self.handle, priority)
priority = property(get_priority, set_priority)
"""The priority of the process"""
def open_token(self, flags=MAXIMUM_ALLOWED):
"""Open the process Token
:returns: :class:`~windows.winobject.token.Token`
token_handle = HANDLE()
winproxy.OpenProcessToken(self.limited_handle, flags, byref(token_handle))
return token.Token(token_handle.value)
token = property(open_token, doc="The process :class:`~windows.winobject.token.Token`")
def get_security_descriptor(self, query_sacl=False, flags=security.SecurityDescriptor.DEFAULT_SECURITY_INFORMATION):
open_flags = gdef.READ_CONTROL
if query_sacl:
open_flags |= gdef.ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY
tmp_handle = windows.winproxy.OpenProcess(open_flags, 0,
return security.SecurityDescriptor.from_handle(tmp_handle, query_sacl=query_sacl, flags=flags, obj_type="process")
def set_security_descriptor(self, sd):
if isinstance(sd, basestring):
sd = security.SecurityDescriptor.from_string(sd)
open_flags = gdef.WRITE_OWNER | gdef.WRITE_DAC
if (sd.sacl and
any(ace.Header.AceType != gdef.SYSTEM_MANDATORY_LABEL_ACE_TYPE for ace in sd.sacl)):
# Print error if requested but no SecurityPrivilege ?
open_flags |= gdef.ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY
tmp_handle = windows.winproxy.OpenProcess(open_flags, 0,
sd._apply_to_handle_and_type(tmp_handle, gdef.SE_KERNEL_OBJECT)
security_descriptor = property(get_security_descriptor, set_security_descriptor)
@property # Document ?
def handles(self):
pid =
return [h for h in windows.system.handles if h.dwProcessId == pid]
def __del__(self):
super(Process, self).__del__()
# Same logic that AutoHandle.__del__ for Process.limited_handle
# Assert that Process inherit AutoHandle
# sys.path is not None -> check if python shutdown
if sys.path is not None and hasattr(self, "_limited_handle") and self._limited_handle:
# Prevent some bug where dbgprint might be None when __del__ is called in a closing process
# This line is bad -> it reopens a handle closed by 'super(Process, self).__del__()' ._.
dbgprint("Closing limited handle {0} for {1}".format(hex(self._limited_handle), self), "HANDLE") if dbgprint is not None else None
class Thread(utils.AutoHandle):
def open_token(self, flags=MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, as_self=False):
"""Open the Thread token if any (Impersonation) else return None.
``as_self`` tells which security context should be used
:returns: :class:`~windows.winobject.token.Token`
.. note::
token_handle = HANDLE()
winproxy.OpenThreadToken(self.handle, flags, as_self, byref(token_handle))
except WindowsError as e:
if e.winerror == gdef.ERROR_NO_TOKEN:
# No token to open: return None
return None
return token.Token(token_handle.value)
def set_token(self, token):
"""Set the token for the thread (impersonation). Setting the token to None revert the impersonation"""
thandle = getattr(token, "handle", token) # Accept raw handle & token object
return winproxy.SetThreadToken(self.handle, thandle)
_TOKEN_PROPERTY_DOC = """The thread :class:`~windows.winobject.token.Token`
:getter: :func:`open_token`
:setter: :func:`set_token`
token = property(open_token, set_token, doc=_TOKEN_PROPERTY_DOC)
class CurrentThread(Thread):
"""The current thread"""
@property #It's not a fixedpropety because executing thread might change
def tid(self):
"""Thread ID
:type: :class:`int`
return winproxy.GetCurrentThreadId()
def owner(self):
"""The current process
:type: :class:`CurrentProcess`
return windows.current_process
def _get_handle(self):
return winproxy.GetCurrentThread()
def __del__(self):
def exit(self, code=0):
"""Exit the thread"""
return winproxy.ExitThread(code)
def wait(self, timeout=INFINITE):
"""Raise :class:`ValueError` to prevent deadlock :D"""
raise ValueError("wait() on current thread")
class CurrentProcess(Process):
"""The current process"""
get_peb = None
get_peb_32_code = x86.MultipleInstr()
get_peb_32_code += x86.Mov('EAX', x86.mem('fs:[0x30]'))
get_peb_32_code += x86.Ret()
get_peb_32_code = get_peb_32_code.get_code()
get_peb_64_code = x64.MultipleInstr()
get_peb_64_code += x64.Mov('RAX', x64.mem('gs:[0x60]'))
get_peb_64_code += x64.Ret()
get_peb_64_code = get_peb_64_code.get_code()
allocator = native_exec.native_function.allocator
name = "CurrentProcess" # Used by Winthread for __repr__
# Use RtlGetCurrentPeb ?
def get_peb_builtin(self):
if self.get_peb is not None:
return self.get_peb
if self.bitness == 32:
get_peb = native_exec.create_function(self.get_peb_32_code, [PVOID])
get_peb = native_exec.create_function(self.get_peb_64_code, [PVOID])
self.get_peb = get_peb
return get_peb
def _get_handle(self):
return winproxy.GetCurrentProcess()
def limited_handle(self):
return winproxy.GetCurrentProcess()
def __del__(self):
def pid(self):
"""Process ID
:type: :class:`int`
return os.getpid()
@utils.fixedpropety # leave it has fixed property as we don't care if CurrentProcess is never collected
def peb(self):
"""The Process Environment Block of the current process
:type: :class:`PEB`
return PEB.from_address(self.get_peb_builtin()())
def bitness(self):
"""The bitness of the process
:type: :class:`int` -- 32 or 64
import platform
bits = platform.architecture()[0]
return int(bits[:2])
def virtual_alloc(self, size, prot=PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE):
"""Allocate memory in the process
:return: The address of the allocated memory
:rtype: :class:`int`
return winproxy.VirtualAlloc(dwSize=size, flProtect=prot)
def virtual_free(self, addr):
"""Free memory in the process by virtual_alloc"""
return winproxy.VirtualFree(addr)
def write_memory(self, addr, data):
"""Write data at addr"""
data = bytes(raw_encode(data)) # We should only accept byte, but we are kind and will try to encode to latin-1 for simple ascii compat
ctypes.memmove(addr, data, len(data))
return True
def read_memory(self, addr, size):
"""Read ``size`` from ``addr``
:return: The data read
:rtype: :class:`str`
dbgprint('Read CurrentProcess Memory', 'READMEM')
buffer = ctypes.c_buffer(size)
ctypes.memmove(buffer, addr, size)
return buffer[:]
def create_thread(self, lpStartAddress, lpParameter, dwCreationFlags=0):
"""Create a new thread
:rtype: :class:`WinThread` or :class:`DeadThread`
handle = winproxy.CreateThread(lpStartAddress=lpStartAddress, lpParameter=lpParameter, dwCreationFlags=dwCreationFlags)
return WinThread._from_handle(handle)
def load_library(self, dll_path):
"""Load the library in current process
:rtype: :class:`LoadedModule`
dllbase = winproxy.LoadLibraryW(dll_path)
return [m for m in self.peb.modules if m.baseaddr == dllbase][0]
def execute(self, code, parameter=0):
"""Execute native code ``code`` in the current thread.
:rtype: :class:`int` the return value of the native code"""
f = windows.native_exec.create_function(code, [PVOID, PVOID])
return f(parameter)
def exit(self, code=0):
"""Exit the process"""
return winproxy.ExitProcess(code)
def wait(self, timeout=INFINITE):
"""Raise :class:`ValueError` to prevent deadlock :D"""
raise ValueError("wait() on current thread")
def peb_syswow(self):
"""The 64bits PEB of a SysWow64 process
:type: :class:`PEB`
if not self.is_wow_64:
raise ValueError("Not a syswow process")
return windows.syswow64.get_current_process_syswow_peb()
# TODO: use ctypes.string_at / ctypes.wstring_at for read_string / read_wstring ?
def read_string(self, addr):
return ctypes.string_at(addr) # Raises WindowsError on fail
def read_wstring(self, addr):
return ctypes.wstring_at(addr) # Raises WindowsError on fail
class WinThread(Thread):
"""Represent a thread """
def __init__(self, tid=None, handle=None, owner_pid=None, owner=None):
if tid is None and handle is None:
raise ValueError("Need at least <pid> or <handle> to create a {0}".format(type(self).__name__))
if tid is not None: self._tid = tid
if handle is not None: self._handle = handle
if owner is not None: self._owner = owner
if owner_pid is not None: self._owner_pid = owner_pid
if owner_pid is None and owner:
self._owner_pid =
def _from_THREADENTRY32(cls, entry, owner=None):
tid = entry.th32ThreadID
owner_pid = entry.th32OwnerProcessID
return cls(tid=tid, owner_pid=owner_pid, owner=owner)
def _from_handle(cls, handle):
# Create a DeadThread if thread is already dead ?
return WinThread(handle=handle)
def tid(self):
"""Thread ID
:type: :class:`int`"""
return self._get_thread_id(self.handle)
def owner_pid(self):
windows.winproxy.NtQueryInformationThread(self.handle, ThreadBasicInformation, byref(res), ctypes.sizeof(res))
owner_id = res.ClientId.UniqueProcess
return owner_id
def owner(self):
"""The Process owning the thread
:type: :class:`WinProcess`
return WinProcess(pid=self.owner_pid)
def context(self):
"""The context of the thread, type depend of the target process.
:type: :class:`windows.exception.ECONTEXT32` or :class:`windows.exception.ECONTEXT64` or :class:`windows.exception.ECONTEXTWOW64`
if self.owner.bitness == 32 and windows.current_process.bitness == 64:
# Wow64
x = exception.ECONTEXTWOW64()
x.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_ALL
winproxy.Wow64GetThreadContext(self.handle, x)
return x
if self.owner.bitness == 64 and windows.current_process.bitness == 32:
x = exception.ECONTEXT64.new_aligned()
x.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_ALL
windows.syswow64.NtGetContextThread_32_to_64(self.handle, x)
return x
if self.owner.bitness == 32:
x = exception.ECONTEXT32()
x = exception.ECONTEXT64.new_aligned()
x.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_ALL
winproxy.GetThreadContext(self.handle, x)
return x
def context_syswow(self):
"""The 64 bits context of a syswow thread.
:type: :class:`windows.exception.ECONTEXT64`
if not self.owner.is_wow_64:
raise ValueError("Not a syswow process")
x = exception.ECONTEXT64.new_aligned()
x.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_ALL
if windows.current_process.bitness == 64:
winproxy.GetThreadContext(self.handle, x)
windows.syswow64.NtGetContextThread_32_to_64(self.handle, x)
return x
def set_context(self, context):
"""Set the thread's context to ``context``"""
if self.owner.bitness == windows.current_process.bitness:
return winproxy.SetThreadContext(self.handle, context)
if windows.current_process.bitness == 64 and self.owner.bitness == 32:
return winproxy.Wow64SetThreadContext(self.handle, context)
return windows.syswow64.NtSetContextThread_32_to_64(self.handle, ctypes.byref(context))
def set_syswow_context(self, context):
"""Set a syswow thread's 64 context to ``context``"""
if not self.owner.is_wow_64:
raise ValueError("Not a syswow process")
if windows.current_process.bitness == 64:
return winproxy.SetThreadContext(self.handle, context)
return windows.syswow64.NtSetContextThread_32_to_64(self.handle, ctypes.byref(context))
def start_address(self):
"""The start address of the thread
:type: :class:`int`
if windows.current_process.bitness == 32 and self.owner.bitness == 64:
windows.syswow64.NtQueryInformationThread_32_to_64(self.handle, ThreadQuerySetWin32StartAddress, byref(res), ctypes.sizeof(res))
return res.value
res_size = max(self.owner.bitness, windows.current_process.bitness)
if res_size == 32:
res = ULONG()
winproxy.NtQueryInformationThread(self.handle, ThreadQuerySetWin32StartAddress, byref(res), ctypes.sizeof(res))
return res.value
def _get_principal_teb_addr(self):
# Returns the 64bits TEB on a 64bits computer (syswow process or not)
# Returns the 32bits TEB on a 32bits computer
# If we are wow64 process its means we either
# - Want the TEB of a 64b process
# - Want the TEB64 of a Wowprocess
# It's the same code for both
if windows.current_process.is_wow_64:
restype = rctypes.transform_type_to_remote64bits(THREAD_BASIC_INFORMATION)
ressize = (ctypes.sizeof(restype))
# Manual aligned allocation :DDDD
nb_qword = int((ressize + 8) / ctypes.sizeof(ULONGLONG))
buffer = (nb_qword * ULONGLONG)()
struct_address = ctypes.addressof(buffer)
if (struct_address & 0xf) not in [0, 8]:
raise ValueError("ULONGLONG array not aligned on 8")
windows.syswow64.NtQueryInformationThread_32_to_64(self.handle, ThreadBasicInformation, struct_address, ressize)
return restype(struct_address, windows.current_process).TebBaseAddress
windows.winproxy.NtQueryInformationThread(self.handle, ThreadBasicInformation, byref(res), ctypes.sizeof(res))
return res.TebBaseAddress
def teb_base(self):
"""The address of the thread's TEB. If the owner is a SysWow64 process, return the TEB32.
:type: :class:`int`
main_teb_addr = self._get_principal_teb_addr()
if not self.owner.is_wow_64:
return main_teb_addr
# TEB32 is pointed at the begining of the TEB64
# TebBase->NtTib.ExceptionList = (PVOID)Teb32Base;
return self.owner.read_dword(main_teb_addr)
def teb_syswow_base(self):
"""The address of the thread's TEB64 for a SysWow64 process
:type: :class:`int`
if not self.owner.is_wow_64:
raise ValueError("Not a syswow process")
# just return the main TEB
return self._get_principal_teb_addr()
def exit(self, code=0):
"""Exit the thread"""
return winproxy.TerminateThread(self.handle, code)
def resume(self):
"""Resume the thread"""
return winproxy.ResumeThread(self.handle)
def suspend(self):
"""Suspend the thread"""
return winproxy.SuspendThread(self.handle)
def _get_handle(self):
return winproxy.OpenThread(dwThreadId=self.tid)
def is_exit(self):
"""``True`` if the thread is terminated
:type: :class:`bool`
return self.exit_code != STILL_ACTIVE
def exit_code(self):
"""The exit code of the thread : ``STILL_ACTIVE`` means the process is not dead
:type: :class:`int`
res = DWORD()
winproxy.GetExitCodeThread(self.handle, byref(res))
return res.value
def __repr__(self):
owner = self.owner
if owner is None:
owner_name = "<Dead process with pid {0}>".format(hex(self.th32OwnerProcessID))
owner_name =
except EnvironmentError:
owner_name = "!cannot-retrieve-owner-name"
return urepr_encode(u'<{0} {1} owner "{2}" at {3}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.tid, owner_name, hex(id(self))))
def _get_thread_id_by_api(handle):
return winproxy.GetThreadId(handle)
def _get_thread_id_manual(handle):
if windows.current_process.bitness == 32 and self.owner.bitness == 64:
raise NotImplementedError("[_get_thread_id_manual] 32 -> 64 (XP64 bits + Syswow process ?)")
windows.winproxy.NtQueryInformationThread(handle, ThreadBasicInformation, byref(res), ctypes.sizeof(res))
id2 = res.ClientId.UniqueThread
return id2
if winproxy.is_implemented(winproxy.GetThreadId):
_get_thread_id = _get_thread_id_by_api
_get_thread_id = _get_thread_id_manual
class WinProcess(Process):
"""A Process on the system"""
def __init__(self, pid=None, handle=None, name=None, ppid=None):
if pid is None and handle is None:
raise ValueError("Need at least <pid> or <handle> to create a {0}".format(type(self).__name__))
if pid is not None: self._pid = pid
if handle is not None: self._handle = handle
if name is not None: self._name = name
if ppid is not None: self._ppid = ppid
def _from_handle(handle):
#pid = winproxy.GetProcessId(handle)
#proc = [p for p in windows.system.processes if == pid][0]
#proc._handle = handle
#dbgprint("Process {0} from handle {1}".format(proc, hex(handle)), "HANDLE")
return WinProcess(handle=handle)
def _from_PROCESSENTRY32W(cls, entry):
name = entry.szExeFile
pid = entry.th32ProcessID
ppid = entry.th32ParentProcessID
return cls(pid=pid, name=name, ppid=ppid)
def name(self):
"""Name of the process
:type: :class:`str`
buffer = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(0x1024)
rsize = winproxy.GetProcessImageFileNameW(self.limited_handle, buffer)
# GetProcessImageFileNameW returns the fullpath
return buffer[:rsize].split("\\")[-1]
def pid(self):
"""Process ID
:type: :class:`int`
return winproxy.GetProcessId(self.handle)
def _get_handle(self):
return winproxy.OpenProcess(
def __repr__(self):
exe_name =
except WindowsError as e:
exe_name = u"!cannot-retrieve-name"
if self.is_exit:
return urepr_encode(u'<{0} "{1}" pid {2} (DEAD) at {3}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, exe_name,, hex(id(self))))
except WindowsError: # Cannot open process
return urepr_encode(u'<{0} "{1}" pid {2} at {3}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, exe_name,, hex(id(self))))
def virtual_alloc(self, size, prot=PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, addr=None):
"""Allocate memory in the process
:return: The address of the allocated memory
:rtype: :class:`int`
return winproxy.VirtualAllocEx(self.handle, lpAddress=addr, dwSize=size, flProtect=prot)
def virtual_free(self, addr):
"""Free memory in the process by virtual_alloc"""
return winproxy.VirtualFreeEx(self.handle, addr)
def write_memory(self, addr, data):
"""Write `data` at `addr`"""
data = raw_encode(data) # We should only accept byte, but we are kind and will try to encode to latin-1 for simple ascii compat
if windows.current_process.bitness == 32 and self.bitness == 64:
if not winproxy.is_implemented(winproxy.NtWow64WriteVirtualMemory64):
raise ValueError("NtWow64WriteVirtualMemory64 non available in ntdll: cannot write into 64bits processus")
return winproxy.NtWow64WriteVirtualMemory64(self.handle, addr, data, len(data))
return winproxy.WriteProcessMemory(self.handle, addr, lpBuffer=data)
def low_read_memory(self, addr, buffer_addr, size):
if windows.current_process.bitness == 32 and self.bitness == 64:
# OptionalExport can be None (see
if not winproxy.is_implemented(winproxy.NtWow64ReadVirtualMemory64):
raise ValueError("NtWow64ReadVirtualMemory64 non available in ntdll: cannot read into 64bits processus")
return winproxy.NtWow64ReadVirtualMemory64(self.handle, addr, buffer_addr, size)
#if self.is_wow_64 and addr > 0xffffffff:
# return winproxy.NtWow64ReadVirtualMemory64(self.handle, addr, buffer_addr, size)
return winproxy.ReadProcessMemory(self.handle, addr, lpBuffer=buffer_addr, nSize=size)
def read_memory(self, addr, size):
"""Read ``size`` from ``addr``
:return: The data read
:rtype: :class:`str`
buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(size)
self.low_read_memory(addr, ctypes.byref(buffer), size)
return buffer[:]
# Simple cache test
# real_read = read_memory
# def read_memory(self, addr, size):
# """Cached version for test"""
# dbgprint('Read remote Memory of {0}'.format(self), 'READMEM')
# if not hasattr(self, "_cache_cache"):
# self._cache_cache = {}
# page_addr = addr & 0xfffffffffffff000
# if page_addr in self._cache_cache:
# #print("CACHED Read on page {0}".format(hex(page_addr)))
# page_data = self._cache_cache[page_addr]
# return page_data[addr & 0xfff: (addr & 0xfff) + size]
# else:
# page_data = self.real_read(page_addr, 0x1000)
# self._cache_cache[page_addr] = page_data
# return page_data[addr & 0xfff: (addr & 0xfff) + size]
def read_memory_into(self, addr, struct):
"""Read a :mod:`ctypes` struct from `addr`
:returns: struct
self.low_read_memory(addr, ctypes.byref(struct), ctypes.sizeof(struct))
return struct
def create_thread(self, addr, param):
"""Create a remote thread
:rtype: :class:`WinThread` or :class:`DeadThread`
if windows.current_process.bitness == 32 and self.bitness == 64:
thread_handle = HANDLE()
windows.syswow64.NtCreateThreadEx_32_to_64(ThreadHandle=byref(thread_handle) ,ProcessHandle=self.handle, lpStartAddress=addr, lpParameter=param)
return WinThread._from_handle(thread_handle.value)
return WinThread._from_handle(winproxy.CreateRemoteThread(hProcess=self.handle, lpStartAddress=addr, lpParameter=param))
def load_library(self, dll_path):
"""Load the library in remote process
:rtype: :class:`LoadedModule`
dllbase = windows.injection.load_dll_in_remote_process(self, dll_path)
return [m for m in self.peb.modules if m.baseaddr == dllbase][0]
def execute_python(self, pycode):
"""Execute Python code into the remote process.
This function waits for the remote process to end and
raises an exception if the remote thread raised one
return injection.safe_execute_python(self, pycode)
def execute_python_unsafe(self, pycode):
"""Execute Python code into the remote process.
:rtype: :rtype: :class:`WinThread` or :class:`DeadThread` : The thread executing the python code
return injection.execute_python_code(self, pycode)
def peb_addr(self):
"""The address of the PEB
:type: :class:`int`
if windows.current_process.bitness == 32 and self.bitness == 64:
x = windows.remotectypes.transform_type_to_remote64bits(PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION)
# Fuck-it <3
data = (ctypes.c_char * ctypes.sizeof(x))()
windows.syswow64.NtQueryInformationProcess_32_to_64(self.handle, ProcessInformation=data, ProcessInformationLength=ctypes.sizeof(x))
peb_offset = x.PebBaseAddress.offset
peb_addr = struct.unpack("<Q", data[x.PebBaseAddress.offset: x.PebBaseAddress.offset+8])[0]
elif windows.current_process.bitness == 64 and self.bitness == 32:
information_type = 26
winproxy.NtQueryInformationProcess(self.handle, information_type, byref(y), sizeof(y))
peb_addr = y.value
information_type = 0
winproxy.NtQueryInformationProcess(self.handle, information_type, x)
peb_addr = ctypes.cast(x.PebBaseAddress, PVOID).value
if peb_addr is None:
raise ValueError("Could not get peb addr of process {0}".format(
return peb_addr
# Not a fixedpropety to prevent ref-cycle and uncollectable WinProcess
# Try with a weakref ?
def peb(self):
"""The PEB of the process (see :mod:`remotectypes`)
:type: :class:`PEB`
if windows.current_process.bitness == 32 and self.bitness == 64:
return RemotePEB64(self.peb_addr, self)
if windows.current_process.bitness == 64 and self.bitness == 32:
return RemotePEB32(self.peb_addr, self)
return RemotePEB(self.peb_addr, self)
def peb_syswow_addr(self):
if not self.is_wow_64:
raise ValueError("Not a syswow process")
if windows.current_process.bitness == 64:
information_type = 0
winproxy.NtQueryInformationProcess(self.handle, information_type, x)
peb_addr = ctypes.cast(x.PebBaseAddress, PVOID).value
return peb_addr
else: #current is 32bits
x = windows.remotectypes.transform_type_to_remote64bits(PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION)
# Fuck-it <3
data = (ctypes.c_char * ctypes.sizeof(x))()
windows.syswow64.NtQueryInformationProcess_32_to_64(self.handle, ProcessInformation=data, ProcessInformationLength=ctypes.sizeof(x))
peb_offset = x.PebBaseAddress.offset
peb_addr = struct.unpack("<Q", data[x.PebBaseAddress.offset: x.PebBaseAddress.offset+8])[0]
return peb_addr
# Not a fixedpropety to prevent ref-cycle and uncollectable WinProcess
# Try with a weakref ?
def peb_syswow(self):
"""The 64bits PEB of a SysWow64 process
:type: :class:`PEB`
if not self.is_wow_64:
raise ValueError("Not a syswow process")
if windows.current_process.bitness == 64:
return RemotePEB(self.peb_syswow_addr, self)
else: #current is 32bits
return RemotePEB64(self.peb_syswow_addr, windows.syswow64.ReadSyswow64Process(self))
def exit(self, code=0):
"""Exit the process"""
return winproxy.TerminateProcess(self.handle, code)
def transform_ctypes_fields(struct, replacement):
return [(name, replacement.get(name, type)) for name, type in struct._fields_]
class LoadedModule(LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY):
"""An entry in the PEB Ldr list"""
def baseaddr(self):
"""Base address of the module
:type: :class:`int`
return self.DllBase
def name(self):
"""Name of the module
:type: :class:`str`
return self.BaseDllName.str.lower()
def fullname(self):
"""Full name of the module (path)
:type: :class:`str`
return self.FullDllName.str.lower()
def __repr__(self):
return urepr_encode(u'<{0} "{1}" at {2}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__,, hex(id(self))))
def pe(self):
"""A PE representation of the module
:type: :class:`windows.pe_parse.PEFile`
return pe_parse.GetPEFile(self.baseaddr)
def TO_LDR_ENTRY(self):
return LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY.from_address(self.value - sizeof(PVOID) * 2)
class PEB(gdef.PEB):
"""The PEB (Process Environment Block) of the current process"""
def exe(self):
"""The executable of the process, as pointed by PEB.ImageBaseAddress
:type: :class:`windows.pe_parse.PEFile`
return windows.pe_parse.GetPEFile(self.ImageBaseAddress)
def imagepath(self):
"""The ImagePathName of the PEB
:type: :class:`~windows.generated_def.winstructs.LSA_UNICODE_STRING`
return self.ProcessParameters.contents.ImagePathName
def commandline(self):
"""The CommandLine of the PEB
:type: :class:`~windows.generated_def.winstructs.LSA_UNICODE_STRING`
return self.ProcessParameters.contents.CommandLine
def modules(self):
"""The loaded modules present in the PEB
:type: [:class:`LoadedModule`] -- List of loaded modules
res = []
list_entry_ptr = ctypes.cast(self.Ldr.contents.InMemoryOrderModuleList.Flink, LIST_ENTRY_PTR)
current_dll = list_entry_ptr.TO_LDR_ENTRY()
while current_dll.DllBase:
list_entry_ptr = ctypes.cast(current_dll.InMemoryOrderLinks.Flink, LIST_ENTRY_PTR)
current_dll = list_entry_ptr.TO_LDR_ENTRY()
return [LoadedModule.from_address(addressof(LDR)) for LDR in res]
def _extract_environment(env_block_addr, target):
result = []
while True:
venv = target.read_wstring(env_block_addr)
if not venv:
return result
env_block_addr += ((len(venv) + 1) * 2)
# raise RuntimeError("Out of infinite loop")
def environment(self):
# TODO: Tests
return self._extract_environment(self.ProcessParameters.contents.Environment, windows.current_process)
def apisetmap(self):
"""The :class:`~windows.winobject.apisetmap.ApiSetMap` of the process
:rtype: A subclass of :class:`~windows.winobject.apisetmap.ApiSetMap`
:raise: :class:`~exception.NotImplementedError` -- Before ``6.2`` ApiSetMap did not exist
:raise: :class:`~exception.NotImplementedError` -- Not implemented for remote process
if windows.system.version < (6,2):
raise NotImplementedError("ApiSetMap does not exist prior to Windows 7")
return apisetmap.get_api_set_map_for_current_process(self.ApiSetMap)
# Memory stuff
def protection(self):
return self.Flags & 0b11111
def sharecount(self):
return (self.Flags >> 5) & 0b111
def shared(self):
return (self.Flags >> 8) & 1
def virtualpage(self):
return (self.Flags >> 12)
def valid(self):
return self.Flags & 0b1
def sharecount(self):
return (self.Flags >> 1) & 0b111
def shared(self):
return (self.Flags >> 15) & 1
_fields_ = windows.utils.transform_ctypes_fields(PSAPI_WORKING_SET_EX_INFORMATION, {"VirtualAttributes": EPSAPI_WORKING_SET_EX_BLOCK})
class EPSAPI_WORKING_SET_EX_INFORMATION32(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = windows.utils.transform_ctypes_fields(PSAPI_WORKING_SET_EX_INFORMATION32, {"VirtualAttributes": EPSAPI_WORKING_SET_EX_BLOCK32})
class EPSAPI_WORKING_SET_EX_INFORMATION64(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = windows.utils.transform_ctypes_fields(PSAPI_WORKING_SET_EX_INFORMATION64, {"VirtualAttributes": EPSAPI_WORKING_SET_EX_BLOCK64})
class RemoteLoadedModule(rctypes.RemoteStructure.from_structure(LoadedModule)):
def pe(self):
"""A PE representation of the module
:type: :class:`windows.pe_parse.PEFile`
return pe_parse.GetPEFile(self.baseaddr, target=self._target)
class RemotePEB(rctypes.RemoteStructure.from_structure(PEB)):
def ptr_flink_to_remote_module(self, ptr_value):
return RemoteLoadedModule(ptr_value - ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_void_p) * 2, self._target)
def exe(self):
"""The executable of the process, as pointed by PEB.ImageBaseAddress
:type: :class:`windows.pe_parse.PEFile`
return pe_parse.GetPEFile(self.ImageBaseAddress, target=self._target)
def modules(self):
"""The loaded modules present in the PEB
:type: [:class:`LoadedModule`] -- List of loaded modules
res = []
if not self.Ldr.value:
raise ValueError("PEB->Ldr is NULL: cannot walk the module list")
list_entry_ptr = self.Ldr.contents.InMemoryOrderModuleList.Flink.raw_value
current_dll = self.ptr_flink_to_remote_module(list_entry_ptr)
while current_dll.DllBase:
list_entry_ptr = current_dll.InMemoryOrderLinks.Flink.raw_value
current_dll = self.ptr_flink_to_remote_module(list_entry_ptr)
return res
def environment(self):
# TODO: Tests
return self._extract_environment(self.ProcessParameters.contents.Environment, self._target)
def apisetmap(self):
raise NotImplementedError("ApiSetMap for remote process not implemented yet")
if CurrentProcess().bitness == 32:
class RemoteLoadedModule64(rctypes.transform_type_to_remote64bits(LoadedModule)):
def pe(self):
"""A PE representation of the module
:type: :class:`windows.pe_parse.PEFile`
return pe_parse.GetPEFile(self.baseaddr, target=self._target)
class RemotePEB64(rctypes.transform_type_to_remote64bits(PEB)):
def ptr_flink_to_remote_module(self, ptr_value):
return RemoteLoadedModule64(ptr_value - ctypes.sizeof(rctypes.c_void_p64) * 2, self._target)
def exe(self):
"""The executable of the process, as pointed by PEB.ImageBaseAddress
:type: :class:`windows.pe_parse.PEFile`
return pe_parse.GetPEFile(self.ImageBaseAddress, target=self._target)
def modules(self):
"""The loaded modules present in the PEB
:type: [:class:`LoadedModule`] -- List of loaded modules
res = []
if not self.Ldr.value:
raise ValueError("PEB->Ldr is NULL: cannot walk the module list")
list_entry_ptr = self.Ldr.contents.InMemoryOrderModuleList.Flink.raw_value
current_dll = self.ptr_flink_to_remote_module(list_entry_ptr)
while current_dll.DllBase:
list_entry_ptr = current_dll.InMemoryOrderLinks.Flink.raw_value
current_dll = self.ptr_flink_to_remote_module(list_entry_ptr)
return res
def environment(self):
# TODO: Tests
return self._extract_environment(self.ProcessParameters.contents.Environment, self._target)
apisetmap = RemotePEB.apisetmap
if CurrentProcess().bitness == 64:
class RemoteLoadedModule32(rctypes.transform_type_to_remote32bits(LoadedModule)):
def pe(self):
"""A PE representation of the module
:type: :class:`windows.pe_parse.PEFile`
return pe_parse.GetPEFile(self.baseaddr, target=self._target)
class RemotePEB32(rctypes.transform_type_to_remote32bits(PEB)):
def ptr_flink_to_remote_module(self, ptr_value):
return RemoteLoadedModule32(ptr_value - ctypes.sizeof(rctypes.c_void_p32) * 2, self._target)
def exe(self):
"""The executable of the process, as pointed by PEB.ImageBaseAddress
:type: :class:`windows.pe_parse.PEFile`
return pe_parse.GetPEFile(self.ImageBaseAddress, target=self._target)
def modules(self):
"""The loaded modules present in the PEB
:type: [:class:`LoadedModule`] -- List of loaded modules
res = []
if not self.Ldr.value:
raise ValueError("PEB->Ldr is NULL: cannot walk the module list")
list_entry_ptr = self.Ldr.contents.InMemoryOrderModuleList.Flink.raw_value
current_dll = self.ptr_flink_to_remote_module(list_entry_ptr)
while current_dll.DllBase:
list_entry_ptr = current_dll.InMemoryOrderLinks.Flink.raw_value
current_dll = self.ptr_flink_to_remote_module(list_entry_ptr)
return res
def environment(self):
# TODO: Tests
return self._extract_environment(self.ProcessParameters.contents.Environment, self._target)
apisetmap = RemotePEB.apisetmap